| - Cathar is a planet of the Star Wars universe, homeworld of the Cathar species before they were invaded during the mandalorian wars. On SWRP the Cathar sim is available with the following facility
* Fuel mining, by the Catharian fuel company
* The city tree of the Manashi tribe
* East Town, with the cantina
- thumb|right|250px|Cathar - widok z orbity Cathar - czyli inaczej Katar to bagienna, jajowata planeta. Żyją na niej kotopodobni Catharowie (zwani potocznie Katarami lub Katarianami - nie mylić z Katarnami). Powierzchnia globu jest niemal w całości zabudowana, więc bagien praktycznie tam nie ma. Są za to fabryki (napędzane światłem słonecznym) produkujące najlepsze w galaktyce tabletki antyalergiczne (jako że Catharowie są uczuleni na swoją sierść). Planeta jest tak mocno zabudowana, że niemal wypiera Catharów w przestrzeń kosmiczną. Przypinają się oni jednak specjalnymi szelkami, aby nie odlecieć nie tylko ze względu na wypierające fabryki, ale także na wyjątkowo słabą grawitację na planecie.
- The Cathar were a race of feline-like, biped humanoids from Cathar, a planet of savannas and rough uplands. They were known for their loyalty, passion, and temper. Quick and powerful, they were considered great warriors and dedicated, efficient predators. Cathar had high moral values, learned from both family and society. Their females were prized as slaves, whereas the males were generally considered too uncontrollable for slavery.
- Cathar is the homeworld of the cat-like species of the same name, the Cathar. It is a planet of rolling savannahs and densely forested uplands. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- Los cathar eran una raza de humanoides bípedos y felinos de Cathar, un planeta de sabanas y tierras altas. Eran conocidos por su lealtad, pasión y temperamento. Rápidos y poderosos, eran considerados grandes guerreros y depredadores dedicados y eficientes. Las hembras eran preciadas como esclavas, mientras que los machos se consideraban muy incontrolables para ser esclavos.
- Catharer er en rase som opprinnelig kommer fra planeten Cathar, en planet for det meste bestående av savanner og et hardt høyland. Catharer var kjent for sin thumb|Mannlig Catharlojalitet, temperament og lidenskap. De var en rask og kraftfull rase, og var høyt verdsatt som krigere. Kvinnelige Catharer var høyt verdsatt som slaver, mens mennene derimot ble beregnet som for ukontrollerbare for slaveri.
- Paikalliset asukkaat asuivat kaupunkipuissa, koska muut planeetan alueet olivat karuja kiltik-hyönteisten takia. Mandalorialaiset valloittivat planeetan Catharin taistelun aikana, minkä johdosta catharit joutuivat orjiksi ja sukupuuton partaalle. Harvat taistelusta selvinneet pakenivat muille planeetoille. Catharit lopulta palasivat kotiplaneetalleen ja planeetta oli viimein täysin kunnostettu galaktisen sisällissodan aikaan. Ennen planeetalla käytyä sotaa, se ei ollut Galaktisen Tasavallan jäsen. Ei tiedetä, että liittyikö se Tasavaltaan myöhemmin.
- The natives lived in city-trees, while wide areas of the planet were made barren by kiltik beetles. The Giant horned hopper were often killed by the Cathar species in blood hunts.
- I Cathar sono una razza di umanoidi bipedi dall'aspetto felino originari di Cathar, un pianeta di savane e aspri altopiani. Essi sono noti per la loro lealtà, la loro passione ed il loro temperamento. Rapidi e potenti, essi sono considerati grandi guerrieri ed efficienti predatori. Le femmine Cathar sono molto rinomate come schiave, laddove i maschi sono generalmente considerati troppo incontrollabili per la schiavitù.
- The Cathar were nearly exterminated during the Mandalorian Wars, when Cassus Fett led a devastating attack on the planet Cathar. Many Cathar were taken and sold into slavery, although males were eventually deemed too violent to make good slaves. A number of Cathar managed to escape from their captors, and established settlements on other worlds. These survivors kept the race alive. The near-destruction of the Cathar led the Jedi Knights to join the fight against the Mandalorians, and many notable Cathar served as Jedi Knights during the millennia that followed. Over time, the surviving Cathar returned to their homeworld and re-established their populations there.
- A cathar a szavannákkal és durva fennsíkokkal tarkított Cathar bolygó kétlábú macskaszerű faja volt. Híresek voltak lojalitásukról és szenvedélyességükről. Gyorsak és erőteljesek voltak, nagyszerű harcosoknak és odaadó, hatékony vadászoknak tartották őket. A catharoknak magas morális értekei voltak, melyeket a családjuktól és a társadalmuktól tanultak. A nőstényeiket rabszolgaként tartották, míg a hímekről azt gondolták, hogy túl értékesek rabszolgának.
- The Cathar are an ancient, socially advanced species of bipedal feline humanoids from the planet of the same name. Cathar itself is a large world of numerous ecological niches, including rough uplands with gigantic insect predators. The Cathar species dwell in large living city-trees. Each tree is artistically carved with friezes showing the triumphant history of the Cathar and their heroes. Cathar use the wide grasslands known as the Vast Veldt as a place of solitude. Home world: Cathar, a temperate worlds located in the Expansion Region.
- Sylvar na Exara Kuna Catharové jsou felionoidní, dvounohá humanoidní rasa z planety Cathar, známé svými savanami a drsnými vysočinami. Jsou známí pro svou loajalitu, vášeň a prchlivost. Rychlí a silní, jsou považováni za skvělé válečníky a zdatné predátory. Catharové dodržují přísné morální normy, vštípené jak rodinou, tak společností. Jejich ženy jsou ceněné jako otrokyně, zatímco muži jsou všeobecně považováni za příliš neovladatelné pro otroctví. Tyto vlastnosti z nich činí výborné specialisty na boj zblízka .
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