Stretch is one of the quartenary antagonists in Toy Story 3. She is an octopus, and Lots-O' Huggin' Bear's henchwoman. She was voiced by Whoopi Goldberg who also voiced Shenzi and Stormella.
Stretch is one of the quartenary antagonists in Toy Story 3. She is an octopus, and Lots-O' Huggin' Bear's henchwoman. She was voiced by Whoopi Goldberg who also voiced Shenzi and Stormella.
Stretch is one of the antagonists of Toy Story 3. However, towards the end of the movie becomes good. She is voiced by Whoopi Goldberg,
Stretch is a glittery purple rubber toy octopus in Disney/Pixar's 2010 film Toy Story 3. She is one of Lotso's henchmen, but in the end she is reformed.