| - The ultrasonic tone works, but it drove off as well as these damn Denver mutts. [Devil Dog].]
- As far as I can tell, the ultrasonic tone works. There are no native dogs to watch, but it drove off my dog so it must be working. [All dogs dead, you have Generic Hangdog dog.]
- The ultrasonic tone works, but it drove off my dog as well as these damn Denver mutts. [Generic Hangdog dog.]
- Me think horn noise will keep dogs away, but it scare off Devil Dog! [All dogs dead, you have Devil Dog.]
- Me make dogs run away with noise, but it scare off too! [Devil Dog.]
- Me think horn noise will keep dogs away, but it scare off Hangdog dog! [All dogs dead, you have Generic Hangdog dog.]
- As far as I can tell, the ultrasonic tone works. The dogs shouldn't want to come back into the city. [If dogs have been killed off.]
- The ultrasonic tone works! The dogs are scurrying out of town. [If dogs haven't been killed off.]
- Me make dogs run away with noise, but it scare off Hangdog dog too! [Generic Hangdog dog.]
- If a high-pitch tone were sent out over these klaxon horns, it should keep dogs from coming back into Denver.
- As far as I can tell, the ultrasonic tone works. There are no native dogs to watch, but it drove off so it must be working. [All dogs dead, you have Devil Dog]
- If a high-pitch tone were sent out over these klaxon horns, it should drive the dogs out of Denver. [If dogs haven't been killed off.]
- Me make horns do dog noise. Me bet it works.[If dogs have been killed off.]
- Me make horns do dog-ears noise, dog should run away. [If dogs haven't been killed off.]
- Me make horns do dog-ears noise, dogs no come back.
- Dogs are running away from dog-ear noise! [If dogs haven't been killed off.]