| - Steven Fletcher is a character portrayed by Will Beinbrink in the ABC crime series Castle. Steven Fletcher, also known as Steven Lambert, Steven Myles, and at least three unidentified aliases, was a con artist who, in his time, had posed as an Arctic explorer, a corporate lawyer, and a cryogenicist. His actual name is unknown, although his repeated use of ‘Steven’ as a first name suggests that this may have been his real name.
| - Steven Fletcher is a character portrayed by Will Beinbrink in the ABC crime series Castle. Steven Fletcher, also known as Steven Lambert, Steven Myles, and at least three unidentified aliases, was a con artist who, in his time, had posed as an Arctic explorer, a corporate lawyer, and a cryogenicist. His actual name is unknown, although his repeated use of ‘Steven’ as a first name suggests that this may have been his real name. Initially, a con artist with a wide range of cons under his belt - including an offer to cryogenically freeze a woman and her cats - Fletcher’s life apparently changed when he posed as a corporate lawyer to marry wealthy heiress Elise Finnegan. Although he was accompanied by a partner in this latest con, Fletcher genuinely fell in love with his fiancée although he still claimed to be a CIA agent rather than a con man, because he didn't want to admit his real past to her. When her father, Gerry Finnegan, learned the truth about him, Steven assured Gerry of his good intentions by agreeing to sign a prenuptial agreement which stipulated that he couldn't so much as touch Elise's money if the relationship didn't work out. Due to his change of heart, Steven was killed by his partner, Sue Vaughn, to give her a chance to get some of the money herself, although the subsequent investigation exposed the truth about both of them, allowing Beckett to assure Elise that she had made Steven want to do better for her.