Ah, the delicate bloom of a mountain meadow, inspected by bees, kissed by the sun's warmth, and fed by Kynareth's rain. And also (occasionally and unfortunately) crushed under a bandit's boot or burned by rampaging Colovians. Do not overlook the potency of the pollen and petals of Tamriel's beauty! The Wayrest Apothecary is most interested in blossoming plant life throughout the lands, whether freshly plucked or pressed and dried. When hunting prey or slaughtering the unclean or Daedric, be certain to gather flowers when your exploration takes you to far-off places.
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| - Ingredient Classification 3: Wildflowers
| - Ah, the delicate bloom of a mountain meadow, inspected by bees, kissed by the sun's warmth, and fed by Kynareth's rain. And also (occasionally and unfortunately) crushed under a bandit's boot or burned by rampaging Colovians. Do not overlook the potency of the pollen and petals of Tamriel's beauty! The Wayrest Apothecary is most interested in blossoming plant life throughout the lands, whether freshly plucked or pressed and dried. When hunting prey or slaughtering the unclean or Daedric, be certain to gather flowers when your exploration takes you to far-off places.
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| - Ah, the delicate bloom of a mountain meadow, inspected by bees, kissed by the sun's warmth, and fed by Kynareth's rain. And also (occasionally and unfortunately) crushed under a bandit's boot or burned by rampaging Colovians. Do not overlook the potency of the pollen and petals of Tamriel's beauty! The Wayrest Apothecary is most interested in blossoming plant life throughout the lands, whether freshly plucked or pressed and dried. When hunting prey or slaughtering the unclean or Daedric, be certain to gather flowers when your exploration takes you to far-off places.