Adolf Hitler, the beloved Chancellor of Germany, was assassinated by a Communist in 1934. After his death, President Hindenburg appointed a more moderate Nazi official, Albert Speer, to the office of Chancellor in order to limit the power of the radicals. Following Hindenburg's death later that same year, Martin Bormann won the emergency election that followed. Germany is now a major power in the world. It was the first nation in space ever since an A4 rocket was launched vertically and passed the boundary of space.
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| - Germany (Axis vs Allies R-Word Map Game)
| - Adolf Hitler, the beloved Chancellor of Germany, was assassinated by a Communist in 1934. After his death, President Hindenburg appointed a more moderate Nazi official, Albert Speer, to the office of Chancellor in order to limit the power of the radicals. Following Hindenburg's death later that same year, Martin Bormann won the emergency election that followed. Germany is now a major power in the world. It was the first nation in space ever since an A4 rocket was launched vertically and passed the boundary of space.
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religion other
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| - Konigsburg, Kiel, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Stuttgart, Nuremburg, Frankfurt, Breslau
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lang official
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| - Reichsadler of Germany .png
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Name en
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| - Fascist single-party state
Totalitarian dictatorship constitutional monarchy
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| - Adolf Hitler, the beloved Chancellor of Germany, was assassinated by a Communist in 1934. After his death, President Hindenburg appointed a more moderate Nazi official, Albert Speer, to the office of Chancellor in order to limit the power of the radicals. Following Hindenburg's death later that same year, Martin Bormann won the emergency election that followed. Speer and Bormann, aware that rivalries in the Nazi party could rip the country apart, worked together to limit the strain put on the country. Speer would concentrate on primarily internal problems while Bormann would work on expanding Germany's prestige internationally. By expanding the Gestapo from just the police of Prussia to the national secret police, the two gained the loyalty of Hermann Göring. Bormann's ineffective response to the failed Italian invasion of Italy weakened his reputation among both nations and the normal German people. Speer was able to use this to marginalize the power of the President, and make the Chancellor the dominant figure of government. In 1938 Germany invaded Poland along with the Soviet Union in order to gain back the Polish Corridor. The Polish were defeated quickly and a puppet state was established there. Despite the idea that Britain and France would simply stand by and watch, the two nations declared war on Germany, to the surprise of the German people. Massive numbers of German troops were moved to the western part of the country, but no offensive actions were taken by either side for several months. This led to the war begin called the "Phoney War," and some troops even began to get bored. In order to protect the Baltic Sea and to deprive the Royal Navy of possible ports, Germany invaded Denmark in conjunction with Sweden in 1939. The Danish government surrendered soon after, and the Germans established a puppet government in Jutland soon after, based in Arrhus. German forces marched through the Low Countries to invade France. Within weeks, most of the Low Countries had fallen, and France was hard-pressed to defend itself. Within the year, Paris had fallen, and central France had been overrun by Axis troops. Hungary had also fallen. By 1942, a ceasefire had been called to create a peace treaty. Soon, a peace treaty was created and the European war ended. Germany emerged the stronger nation. Alsace-Lorraine was regained, and Luxembourg was annexed. Several former German colonies where also regained. The next few years were considered a miracle for Germany. Germany was the vanguard of technological advancement, leading the world in jet planes, rockets and stealth technology, as well as producing the finest jet planes and tanks in the world. The German U-boat fleet remained the finest in the world, and Germany's navy was catching up with the other great powers. Germany led the invasion of Sweden in 1944 due to enduring diplomatic and territorial disputes with Sweden. The country was occupied and Swedish Denmark was returned to Denmark. The war was a success for Germany, who now maintained a steady supply of iron and steel for its own use. Germany is now a major power in the world. It was the first nation in space ever since an A4 rocket was launched vertically and passed the boundary of space.