| - Mocked around Japan as "The Defeated Detective," he has a habit of showing up at the wrong time and reaching the wrong conclusion. In reality, he's the one person willing to dig deep down to discover the truth about each case, even if Rinroku and the government simply spin his findings to fit their own pre-determined narrative.
* Determined Defeatist
* Hero with Bad Publicity: Pretty much his schtick. The government paints him as incompetent so that no one pays attention to his investigations. The lack of scrutiny from the public gives the government less reason to actually hinder his investigations, so he has a bit more room to work.
* Heroic Self-Deprecation: He seems to have a bit of Survivors Guilt over events in his past and doesn't hold too high of an opinion of himself.
* Great Detective: Despite his bad rep, anyone who spends two minutes with him knows he's the real deal.
* Jade-Colored Glasses
* Knight in Sour Armor
* The Last DJ: The only alternative to his work is conventional law enforcement, which can only too easily be manipulated. The implication is that with the government withholding as much information as it does and at the same time appearing to be highly efficient, honest detectives of any sort have been phased out.
* Mysterious Past: Unless you watch the prequel OVA, the only words about Yuuki's past come out in split-second flashbacks and some inferences to past events.
* Rousseau Was Right: His underlying belief is that the citizens of Japan can handle the truth that the government hides from them and that allowing them to do so will be not only empowering, but necessary for any kind of recovery from the recent war.
* Seeker Archetype: Searches for the truth wherever he can in order to keep his promise to Inga.
* Shell-Shocked Veteran: As shown in the prequel, he was possessed by Inga and forced to eat the souls of his fellow bandmates one-by-one, and then watched as his crush, Yuuko, committed suicide only to have her body possessed by Inga at the end. This event has been driving him even into the present.
* War Is Hell: He doesn't really like any celebration of it, such as making martyrs out of scared, desperate young men by leaving out the "scared and desperate" part.
* Witness Protection: After the events of the prequel, "Yuuki Shinjurou" becomes his official name because his real one is now associated with a murderer who was shot by the police.