| - Das herbeirufen eines Reittieres gibt dem Spieler einen Bewegungsbonus von +55-70%, dieser Bewegungsbonus kann durch bestimmte Items erhöht werden (Reitgeschwindigkeits-Trank). Bestimmte Reittiere sind in der Lage über Wasser zu fliegen um somit das Absteigen des Spielers zu vermeiden. . Tränke bei der die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit erhöht werden haben keinerlei Einfluss auf die Reitgeschwindigkeit. Ebenso hat der Titel "Auf der Flucht" keinen Effekt auf die Reitgeschwindigkeit. Eine weitere Übersicht gibt es auf www.RoM-Welten.de . Und zwar genau hier: Kategorie:Items Kategorie:Stub
- Mounts were first released in the Test Realm and finally added to Wizard 101 on October 16, 2009. They assist wizards by a faster way to travel. Down below are all of the mounts in the game Wizard101. All the permanent and 7-day mounts, as well as wings, go 40% faster than normal running speed, while all the 1-day mounts only add 20% to normal running speed.There are currently more mounts like Rams, new Horses, and 2 sea horses. So if any information can be added please do so.
- The term 'mounts' is a generic term that describes any sort of creature your character can ride while traveling throughout the realms. Currently, only horses are available. Riding your mount (instead of traveling about on foot) and keeping its fatigue at or below 50% will provide you with a +1 bonus to Melee Rating, Stamina Points and Nevernal Reserve.
- A mount is a pet that has grown into a mighty steed. The player can raise a pet into a mount by saddling it or feeding it enough food. Mounts, like pets, are purely aesthetic - they do not confer in-game bonuses of any sort. Mounts are the only creatures the player's avatar can be shown riding, and only pets can be displayed to the left of the avatar. They are available to the player as soon as drops are enabled at level 3. __TOC__
- The mounts could be bought using Credits and later on also through Voting Treasures. Mounts could be ridden through the Lobby and some of the mounts had special abilities, such as the Spider mount that could climb. The Horse Mount was a Skeletal Horse. There were some areas that mounts were disabled in.
- Mounts are an unreleased alternate way of transportation for Minifigures. There are many mounts in LEGO Universe, including horses and cars. Because of the game's closure, mounts are not obtainable unless given by Mythrans.
- Mounts aren't out yet in official Luna online. But some private servers have already this functionality
- Mounted combat is an important part of Darkfall warfare and players can freely ride their mounts around without any restrictions. Several skills are associated with mounted combat in the game. Any player can own as many mounts as he can afford. In Darkfall, mounts are fully controllable by the player. Character control is maintained while riding; the character can equip items, attack, look around, etc. The player's riding skill affects the mounted maneuverability, mounted combat effectiveness, as well as movement speed to a lesser extent.
- Mounts: ο όρος αναφέρεται σε όλα τα είδη ζώων (όχι μόνο άλογα) που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε (καβαλικεύετε) καθώς μετακινήστε μέσα στις περιοχές του παιχνιδιού.
* Υπάρχουν τρεις κατηγορίες mounts: "Light", "Medium" και "Heavy". Τα Light mounts μπορείτε να τα αποκτήσετε όταν γίνεται 20 level, τα Medium mounts στο 30 level ενώ τα Heavy mounts στο 40 level.
* Δεν θα μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε τα mounts για να πετάτε από περιοχή σε περιοχή, αλλά υπάρχουν μέσα στο παιχνίδι διάφοροι NPCs που σαν δίνουν την δυνατότητα να πάτε πετώντας από μια ζώνη σε άλλη.
* Ανάλογα την φυλή σας, θα έχετε και διαφορετική ράτσα από mount:
- A mount is a position the string can be in when the yo-yo is on the string in a 'string trick'. In AAA, mounts are referred to as houses.
- There are a wide variety of mounts available in Vanguard, all of which fall into five categories. Mounted combat is not possible. There are three kinds of equipment available for your mount: Tack/Barding, Horseshoes, and Saddlebags. Saddlebags are an extra bag stored on your mount, and as encumbrance has been removed from the game, serve no other special purpose. Horseshoes and tack (or barding) improve the speed and/or stability of your mount. All of this equipment can be either crafted by a player, or purchased in most of the places where horses can be purchased. The benefits of improved speed should be obvious, but improved mount stability determines the likelihood that you will be dismounted when being attacked while riding.
- Mounts increase speed by a certain percent and do not factor in armor speed. Normal mounts increase your speed by 50%. Special mounts increase your speed by 100%. Flying mounts increase your speed in the air by 120%. Special Flying mounts increase your speed in air by 150% and speed on ground by 100%. Normal cost 100g, Special cost 100p, Flying cost 1000p, Special Flying cost 100m. Class mounts and other mounts are obtained through specific ways.
- You can first rent a mount in Logar, you can rent either a brown or a white horse for 15 minuets for 300 gold or 2 hours for 3000 gold. You can also buy mounts from the Item Shop, all mounts are either permanent, 30 day or 7 day mounts. The only mount currently buy-able is the Brown Horse in a bag (30 days) for 1650 tokens. All of the mounts except the Boar mount can be bought for 7 days, 30 days or permanent. If you buy a permanent mount you have the ability The table below shows what mounts you can buy in the Item Shop (prices are in diamonds)
- Posiadanie Mounta jest jak posiadanie zwierzaka. Poniżej zamieszczam zalety i wady posiadania Mounta.
* Praktycznie daje tą samą ilość punktów danej charakterystyki jak zwierzak, ale dodatkowo daje bonus do witalności (Vit).
* Może nosić przedmioty, ponieważ ma własny plecaczek. Początkowo jest to 100 punktów udźwigu i rośnie z każdym poziomem Mounta o 50 punktów udźwigu (na 100 poziomie mounta daje to dodatkowych 5000 punktów udźwigu).
* Nie wymaga regularnego karmienia. Wystarczy go karmić, gdy poziom energii jest bardzo niski.
* Przegranie walki nie ma wpływu na Mounta.
* Na wyposażeniu można mieć tylko jednego Mounta. Aby go zmienić na innego należy skorzystać z Zagrody (Paddock).
* Aby usunąć Mounta z wyposażenia należy najpierw opróżnić jego plecak.
* Ogro
- The lowest level you can obtain a mount is Level 4 as long as you have completed the quests up to Protectors Enclave. At level 10 all players are given the opportunity with Giddy Up or from the three redeemable mount tokens (contained inside the Adventurer's Reward II and IV chest) to rent a mount for a limited time at a vendor until they can afford a permanent one.
- Mounts are a mode of transportation available to the Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition. There are different types of mounts and each type can take a different amount of melee hits before unsaddling you and disappearing, with horses taking one blow, harts taking two, dracolisks three, and nuggalopes four. This is the only distinction among mounts; they otherwise have the same speed, turning radius and other characteristics. Some mounts are available only in the Digital Deluxe edition of the game. Companions don't have mounts and disappear while the Inquisitor is mounted. There is no party banter in this mode. The mounts can be changed next to the smith in Haven and by the stable in Skyhold.
- Mounts are mountable creatures that provide increased movement speed while in use. They can be purchased from either Adventure Guides or from the Item Shop. These include:
* Young Ornitho
* Red Ornitho
* Purple Ornitho
* Lydian
* Blue Lydian
* Red Lydian
* Pure White Lydian
* Black Lydian
* Qilin A Mount's movement speed is affected by Agile Style and Decorative Wings. A Mount's movement speed is not affected by Boots, Wind Potions or Speed of the Wind. A Mount's movement speed can be increased with Ancient Horseshoes.
- Only the tinkered mounts and certain quest rewards have a set number of charges and must be procured anew once their charges are used up. All others are yours to keep once they are purchased. Mounts will temporarily disappear any time you ride another form of transportation that flies or runs, such as a griffin, sokokar, horse, or cloud, but will automatically reappear once you land. They also temporarily disappear any time you climb a wall. In some zones, your mount will temporarily disappear from view until you zone out again but still provide the benefit of any stats bonuses. For example, many crafting, dungeon and raid zones have this effect.
- Mounts were introduced with the Winter Update 2010. Due to their popularity, new mounts are implemented every major update. Currently there are 109 different ones, with 104 of them available. Mounted characters receive a new look and a bonus of 10 speed levels. 38 mounts are obtainable by using Taming Items lootable from creatures on them or by earning them through a quest. Taming items can succeed, fail and even break; each with its own break rates. There's also 1 mount which can only be temporarily rented.