| - Thoran was close friends with the Tok'ra Kanan, who blended for a brief time with Colonel Jack O'Neill in order to save him from an Ancient contagion. (SG1: "Frozen") When Kanan escaped the Tok'ra base to free Shallan, he returned to Earth to inform Stargate Command of the situation. He was not allowed to leave until he handed over Kanan's mission reports. (SG1: "Abyss")
- Thoran war der erste Herrscher des Reiches. Er war derjenige, der das Reich vereinte. Kategorie:Larh Thoran
- Seph's second in command. He is hot-headed and tends to want to act before thinking. He is also more playful than the others, though he still takes their mission seriously.
- Thoran är en lojal medlem i Tok'ra motståndsrörelsen, som har haft ett par spända förbindelser med Jorden. Ofta inblandade i hetsiga diskussioner med Stargate Command medlemmar, är han starkt skyddande av hans symbiotiska arter. Intressen Tok'ra är hans första prioritet, även när det innebär att ignorera Tok'ra-Tau'ri fördraget.
- In Fire Star Thoran finds Ingavar, shot in the shoulder. Watching over Ingavar, he travels to the north. His auma was taken by David, and Ingavar was killed by Grockle. He comes back in The Fire Eternal and his auma is drained by I ngraver
- Thoran is the northwesternmost settlement on Arkus Isle. It is a port village that sees some trade from the Apenic Sea. The road south leads to Brastias, and to the east to Tirion.
- Thoran was a shadar-kai warrior in the ruin of Spellgard.