Super Grover! Ready for Action is a Sesame Street Live show produced by VEE Corporation in 2005, which continues to tour. In 2010, it was revived again as Elmo's Healthy Heroes!, as the newest addition to the tour of Sesame Street Live. When Super Grover loses his "superness," Elmo, Zoe, Rosita and Telly Monster fill in with their own superhero alter egos. Aided by the Big Cheese and Kay, the four monsters become Captain Fuzzy, WonderZoe, Muchacha Fantástica and Triangle Boy.
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| - Super Grover! Ready for Action is a Sesame Street Live show produced by VEE Corporation in 2005, which continues to tour. In 2010, it was revived again as Elmo's Healthy Heroes!, as the newest addition to the tour of Sesame Street Live. When Super Grover loses his "superness," Elmo, Zoe, Rosita and Telly Monster fill in with their own superhero alter egos. Aided by the Big Cheese and Kay, the four monsters become Captain Fuzzy, WonderZoe, Muchacha Fantástica and Triangle Boy.
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| - Super Grover! Ready for Action is a Sesame Street Live show produced by VEE Corporation in 2005, which continues to tour. In 2010, it was revived again as Elmo's Healthy Heroes!, as the newest addition to the tour of Sesame Street Live. When Super Grover loses his "superness," Elmo, Zoe, Rosita and Telly Monster fill in with their own superhero alter egos. Aided by the Big Cheese and Kay, the four monsters become Captain Fuzzy, WonderZoe, Muchacha Fantástica and Triangle Boy. In 2008, the show toured as Elmo! Ready for Action. The show has been performed to a Portuguese-language soundtrack as Rua Sésamo ao Vivo: Super Gualter embusca dos poderes perdidos. The show has been performed to a Spanish-language soundtrack as El Show de Barrio Sésamo: Super Coco en acción.