| - Krudar was a male Duros gunner who served with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, pirates, and the New Republic during his career. Originally a member of the Rebel Alliance, Krudar left their service after becoming convinced that the organization used their mandate of bringing freedom to the galaxy to justify acts of terrorism and violence. Joining a group of pirates, Krudar befriended the Guudrian Boom, and crewed with them until the gang was destroyed by Imperial forces. Hiding out on the planet Kal'Shebbol in the Kathol sector with Boom, Krudar was present when the New Republic launched an assault on the world to liberate it from the rule of Imperial warlord Moff Kentor Sarne. Despite the successful freeing of the planet, Moff Sarne managed to escape into the Kathol sector with the majority of his forces. The New Republic authorized the CR90 corvette FarStar to track down the rogue warlord and neutralize any threat he posed to the region, but was forced to recruit from the civilian population of Kal'Shebbol to crew the vessel due to manpower shortages. Krudar joined the mission and convinced the New Republic selectors to accept Boom as well. The Duros served on the FarStar throughout its mission into the Kathol sector, participating in several operations along the way. However, his surly and temperamental attitude did little to endear him to the rest of the crew, and he was involved in several confrontations with other personnel during the mission. Several months after leaving Kal'Shebbol, Krudar participated in the Battle of Kathol System, an engagement that saw the end of Moff Sarne.