| - "Happy New Years!
* This item is for use in the New Years event."
- Y est l'abréviation du mot "il" en langage gogol. Par gogol, j'entends le synonyme d'abruti, crétin, stupide ou encore demeuré. Rien à voir avec Nicolas Gogol, auteur russe du XIXème qui a écrit Le Manteau, ou encore le Journal d'un fou. Rien à voir.
- "Y" (Y Wai) is an archetype of cards supported by the anime-only card "Hyper Coat", alongside the "V", "W", "X", and "Z" archetypes. The actual purpose of "Hyper Coat" in the anime was to power up the monsters in the "A-to-Z" series.
- Y อาจหมายถึง พลัง Y ซึ่งเป็นแนวการ์ตูนรักร่วมเพศ ซึ่งแบ่งได้เป็น 2 ประเภท 1.
* Yaoi (ชายรักชาย) 2.
* Yuri (หญิงรักหญิง)
- Y is the twenty-fifth letter in the English alphabet.
- Y (legata ipsilono) laŭ PMEG estas unu el la kvar plej gravaj ne-Esperantaj francaj komunumoj kaj situas en la departemento Somme, en la regiono Pikardio. Ĝi havis 85 loĝantojn en la jaro 2010.
- Yabág * Yabang * Yakal * Yakan * Yakap * Yáman * Yaming Kali Eskrima Arnis Association * Yaming Arnis * Yaming Stil * Yaníg * Yantoc * Yantok * Yá’o * Yápak * Yatuck * Ya Tuck * Yatuk * Yaw-Yan * Yélo * Yugto * Yukbu * Yukbo * Yuko * Yukod * Yuta *
- Y is related to t, as they make up y. It is the 24th letter of the alphebat.
- y butt is so wide that I knocked 10 chairs down
* Yie Ar Kung-Fu
- Yachts make me yawn. Yay for Yuri, for his mind control makes me say so! Yuri is hot, especially the type with Yvonne. Yog is not a word, though jog and cog are, strangely enough. The armed armadillo pees on the pine swine tree. Y am I doing this? I do not know y. But I know y I am talking to you. It's because i love Yuri, that's y! I already told you y I am talking to you. Hmmrph. Y aren't you talking to me? Well? Y not? Yarbles, Yinkleberry Yakkleford, Yubers, Yorbichurd, Yark Station (See also Butt Base)
- Y is a big titted model who does commercials.
- Yacht 遊艇 Yachtracing 帆船比賽 Yoga 瑜珈
- Y is the 366th letter of the English language speaking numberbet. Previous letter: "X" Next letter: "Z"
- Y is a fictional character in the manga, anime and film series Death Note. Y was considered extremely smart for a boy his age, however, stayed within the shadows of the other orphans at Wammy's House. He reguarded L as his idol, being everything he wanted to be. After Near's rise as the new "L", Y left the Wammy's House to search for his own path into gaining a high position as L did.
- The definitions on this page originally appeared on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's website. Yard Waste: The part of solid waste composed of grass clippings, leaves, twigs, branches, and other garden refuse. Yellow-Boy: Iron oxide flocculant (clumps of solids in waste or water); usually observed as orange-yellow deposits in surface streams with excess iron content. (See: floc, flocculation.) Yield: The quantity of water (expressed as a rate of flow or total quantity per year) that can be collected for a given use from surface or groundwater sources.
- Y is a chef for reasons we do not know. Y also likes to ask "WWWWHHHHHYYYYYYY?!" (obviously), and has been shot for screaming it at one point, causing him to scream it again, causing him to get shot again, etc. Y is currently hiding under a rock.
- W języku Polaków tą literą zaczyna się niewiele słów, a czyta się ją wtedy jak J: yale, yeti, czy yuppie. Wyjątek to ypsylon. W związku z tym litera ta jest powszechnie stosowania w różnych grach słownych, gdzie następny wyraz musi się zaczynać tą literą, którą kończy się poprzedni - wielu jest geniuszy zła, którzy każde swoje słowo kończą tą właśnie literą. A jako, że na Y kończą się wszelakie przymiotniki i wyrazy w liczbie mnogiej, to z reguły takiemu tylko w jeden sposób coś wytłumaczysz...
- Y bzw. y Das Ypsilon ist der 25. Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets und legt Wert auf die Betonung seines Verwandschaftsverhältnisses zum U, V und sogar dem W. Trotz allem ist das Y aber ein exotisches Croûton im heimischen Buchstabensalat geblieben.
- THESAURO: Ya - Ye - Yi - Yl - Yo - Yp - Yt – Yu DICTIONARIO: YA - YE - YI - YL - YO – YP - YT – YU
- Der Buchstabe Ypsilon ist das Symbol für den dreieinigen Gott. Die drei, sich im Zentrum treffenden Linien, sind eine genial einfache und treffende Metapher.
- Y the Silent is the swordsmen of the Striker Pirates. He is one of the powerful, new swordsmen from the New World. Y's main goal is to find and defeat all of the greatest swordsmen in the world. This includes the likes of Roronoa Zoro, Dracule Mihawk, and Vista. Y is known for having a friendly rivalry with Zoro and the two are commonly seen dueling whenever they meet.
- "Y": and. No lo skrivimos en muestra lingua, en Ladino se skrive "i"
- Beware the y key! Not only does it move northwest, it also answers "yes" to questions like "Eat the cockatrice corpse?" Woe betide careless players who hold down the y key and meet a powerful peaceful monster to their northwest. This is especially troublesome in Minetown. Some game binaries are compiled with an option which requires you to type "yes" in order to answer such questions in the affirmative.
- Y is the one who rebuilt Earth into Clockwork Planet. He is also the one who created the Initial Y-Series.
- Y,是包含英文在内,欧洲高达八成的国家的第二十五个字母,它的应用词句虽然不多但都非常实用。
- Y is the 25th letter of the English alphabet. Though often considered a vowel, it is mostly considered a consonant. Perhaps most significantly, Bert and Ernie credit the letter for their friendship.
- Y was a derro savant member of the Society of Brilliance during the Rage of Demons.
- This civilian freighter is a multiplayer ship that can be obtained by ace freelance pilots. The most prominent YT-1300 is Han Solo's Millennium Falcon. The freighter type is sometimes referred to as a Corellian Transport. See also Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 Transport. YT - 2400 A similar ship to the YT -1300 Can be flown by all factions. It is non-trade and is obtained by looting HK on Mustafar, only the looter can use this ship at Master Pilot Level.
- Y is a letter of the alphabet. It is also an alias for the /broadcast command. (Y is short for yell).
- Y is the vertical position of a object, defined in pixels. The top is 0.
- y invariable [i] 1.
* et, conjonction de coordination extrêmement fréquente
- Y is theorized to have evolved from proto-voweltaic ancestors which roamed the Earth billions and billions of years ago. Later, in 1066, a horrific and bloody civil war erupted in France over Y's ambiguous vowel/consonant status. There were no survivors.