| - Mandalore Parades were a series of rallies and celebrations that featured mostly a small portion of the Mandalorian Navy and Mandalorian Army before and during the Great Alliance War. The parades mostly took place on the capital planet, Mandalore. The parades were set up by Mandalore Lenon Grasto to establish the military power of the Mand'alor Empire in ther galaxy. Lenon had taken 650,000 Mandalorian troops and 200,000 Mandalorian naval officers to be in the parades. Each parade featured about 300,000 troops and 50,000 naval officers. There were twenty Super Shadow Cruisers, thirty Vanguard Cruisers, one hundred Inferno Destroyers, sixty Legacy Freighters, and thousands of fighters. At certain times, even the Silver Castle was paraded with Grasto at its bridge. Lenon occasionally would march or ride in a speeder. The Mandalorian people were proud of the army built by Grasto, but their enemies feared the army greatly. The parades first started when the Mandalorian Republic was formed into the Mand'alor Empire. Grasto had built up the Mandalorian armed forces to the point of surpassing the old Mandalorian Empire's glory. He wanted to show everyone that and started the parades. The first parade was held in the newly renamed capital city, Grastograd. Soon, Lenon expanded to planet-wide aerial parades and some marching parades. These parades were soon taken off Mandalore and spread throughout Mandalorian space.