| - Q: Why do you support the team that you do? A: I started following hockey in 1998. Being in the GTA, I was pressured to become a LOLeafs fan. I resisted the brainwashing though, and the Detroit Red Wings caught my eye instead. I became a fan because of two people: Steve Yzerman and Sergei Fedorov. My two favourite all-time players to this day. Q: Is hockey your favorite sport? A: Yes, but tied with american football. I liken my love of hockey/football to my love of euchre/spades. Hockey/Euchre is faster and simpler, whereas football/spades is more deep and strategical. Q: Who is your favorite group of fans at the NHL Board (aside from your own)? A: I don't have a favourite group of fans. Q: How often do you go to hockey games? What teams? A: Seeing as the Leafs are the local team, I don't really have much incentive to go to a game unless the Wings come to town. But I've never had the money to go to a game when I had the time. And now that I have money, I'm too busy with school. I plan on going to a game in Detroit one day after I'm finished with school though. Fuck paying for a Leafs ticket. Q: Who is your favorite all time player? A: Steve Yzerman/Sergei Fedorov. Yzerman for obvious reasons. Fedorov because IMO he was - at his prime - one of the best, most all-around skilled players ever to lace up the skates, if not THE best. Goal scoring, playmaking, speed, shot power, hands, strength, defensive play, hockey sense, clutch, flowing blonde locks - he had it all. Image:Yzerman Fedorov.jpg Q: What is the best game you've attended in person? A: N/A. Q: Where do you see your team 5 years from now? A: Lidstrom will probably have retired by then. Zetterberg will be the captain with Datsyuk as one of the alternates. Larsson/McCollum will be the #1 goalie. The team probably won't be as good as it is now with Lidstrom gone; but thanks to the skilled core of players, excellent coaching, impeccable management, and top notch scouting & drafting they'll still be one of the better teams in the league and their playoff streak will still be alive. The rest of their division will also have improved though - even today Columbus, Chicago, Nashville, and St. Louis are all potential playoff teams - so their level of dominance as seen in years past will likely wane.