| - Phineas and Ferb are watching TV. Tv:"Hello, I am Ann Oftregwastrevanopenfraxepjuenagheresta and I can read your mind! " Phineas, thinking:"No, nobody can read a mind with a TV." Ann:"Nobody except me!" Phineas:"Wow... it works! I can't believe!" Tv:"What do you mean <>?" Phineas:"Or maybe not... Hey, we should really make a mind reader! Ferb, I know what we're gonna to today! HEy, where's perry?" Monogram:"just love taco... just love taco.. just love taco.. just love taco.. just love taco.. just love taco..." Carl:"I don't know what is happening, but you MUST stop Doof!" D.E.I jingle Doof, singing:"
| - Phineas and Ferb are watching TV. Tv:"Hello, I am Ann Oftregwastrevanopenfraxepjuenagheresta and I can read your mind! " Phineas, thinking:"No, nobody can read a mind with a TV." Ann:"Nobody except me!" Phineas:"Wow... it works! I can't believe!" Tv:"What do you mean <>?" Phineas:"Or maybe not... Hey, we should really make a mind reader! Ferb, I know what we're gonna to today! HEy, where's perry?" Candace:"I don't know, Stacy, I tried everything I could but nothing works! I can't bust them, *chimpunk version* blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah " Monogram:"just love taco... just love taco.. just love taco.. just love taco.. just love taco.. just love taco..." Carl:"I don't know what is happening, but you MUST stop Doof!" D.E.I jingle Doof, singing:" The movies are gray, The tv is black. The horses are runnning. Please bring me some food! Oh yeah, food! The reverse of Doof. If you don't bring me food! Then the horses aren't running.
* music* My labcoat is white, My brother is mayor. The horses are runnning. Please bring me some food! Oh yeah, food! The reverse of Doof. If you don't bring me food! Then the horses aren't running! Please bring me some food!" Vanessa:"O...kay?" Doof:"What? I'm hungry!" Perry enters! Doof: "A platy-...A platy-...A platy-...A platy-..." Isabella:"Hey, Phineas!" Phineas:"Hey, Isabella!" Isabella:"What'cha doing?" Phineas:"Building a mind reader!" Isabella:"A mind reader? A MIND READER?! NO! People have secrets, for example, maybe I love yo-... I mean maybe I love yogurt!" Phineas:"You do?" Isabella:"NO! I DO NOT!" Phineas:"Why do you get so upset? I asked you if you love yogurt, there is no problem if you don't!" Isabella:"Yes... you are right... Sorry..." Perry:Chatters Doof:"A platy- A platy- A platy-..." Vanessa:"Hello, Perry! As you see, my dad built an recursion-iator. It already started hitting some objects, including my dad. Good luck. Well, I am going to mom. Bye." Doof:"A platy- A platy- A platy-..." Perry goes to the recursion-inator, but he doesn't find a auto-destruct button. Doof:"A platy- A platy- A platy-..." Random delivery guy: "Hey, aren't you a little... a little... a little... a little..." Phineas: "What?" Candace:"Jeremy is-... Jeremy is... Jeremy is... Jeremy is... Jeremy is..." Stacy:"What?" Baljeet:"I have to tell you something... I love... I love... I love..." Linda:"What?" Buford:"Oh, ducky momo, i love... i love... i love... i love..." Ducky Momo: Quack? Random Character 1: "Now, you can get rid of your fear that you'll get recursioned if you say 'hi' "! Random Character 2:"OK, hi... OK, hi... OK, hi..." Random Character 1: "What?" Phineas:"Wow, our mind reader is complete." Isabella:"Phineas, do not use it or else you'll find out that... well, I have to tell you, right?" Phineas:"Tell me what?" Isabella:"Tell you that I love... I love... I love..." Phineas:"What? Anyway, let's use it! Ok... um... maybe Isabella was right... Maybe everyone has their own secret. We shouldn't use it... who knowns... what could happen..." Ferb:"Really?" Phineas:"Nah, I was just kidding... just kidding... just kidding..." Character 1: "The password is 723... 723.... 723... 723... " Character 2:"OK, 723723723723!" Character 2 enters password. Computer:"Password incorrect! Auto distruct complete!" Character 1: "723... 723.... 723... 723... " Computer explodes. Near the computer was a big rock, the rock starts moving from the explosion. The rock goes on the street. A car crashes into it. The rock continues moving, until it reaches the Mind Reader and destroyes it. Perry destroyes the mind reader. Isabella:"What just happened?" Phineas:"I don't know! OK, let's use the mind read... hey, where did it go?" Linda goes home. Candace:"Mom! PaF built something!" Linda:"What did they built?" Candace:"A mind reader!" Linda:"There is no Mind Reader here!" Phineas:"Who wants pie?" Linda:"Oh, they really built one! Because you just read my mind! *laughs*" Perry comes. Phineas:"Oh, there you are Perry."