| - Captain Super Fox-Man is an archetypal superhero, with super-strength and the ability to fly. The character is also based on Tails himself, who is shown as the Captain's mild-mannered, bespectacled alter ego, who transforms in to the hero in times of danger. On page three, however, Tails to Astonish became slightly more accurate, with Capitan Super Fox-Man being rescued by both the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters and the Downunda Freedom Fighters. The last page was written in the presence of Athair, who said that the comic was fine despite Tails' concerns that it might be a bit wordy. (TMS: #3)
| - Captain Super Fox-Man is an archetypal superhero, with super-strength and the ability to fly. The character is also based on Tails himself, who is shown as the Captain's mild-mannered, bespectacled alter ego, who transforms in to the hero in times of danger. Captain Super Fox-Man represents Tails' desire to be treated like a grown up by other members of the Knothole Freedom Fighters, specifically Princess Sally Acorn, Rotor Walrus, and Sonic the Hedgehog. As mentioned in the introduction on the first page of his comic, Tails refers to himself as "Avenger of evil! Righter of wrongs! Just as smart as everyone else!" (TMS: #1) Like most escapist tales, Tails' written account of certain events were heavily exaggerated to satisfy himself. For example, on the second page of the comic, Captain Super Fox-Man easily defeats Octobot (Tails had in fact been rescued from Octobot by the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters) and carries Fluke the Blue Whale to Downunda (Fluke was actually carrying Tails). Ray the Manta claimed not to be bothered by such liberties Tails was taking with the story. (TMS: #2) On page three, however, Tails to Astonish became slightly more accurate, with Capitan Super Fox-Man being rescued by both the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters and the Downunda Freedom Fighters. The last page was written in the presence of Athair, who said that the comic was fine despite Tails' concerns that it might be a bit wordy. (TMS: #3)