| - Genrika's mother was arrested for protesting, and she moved to New York with her grandfather. After he died, she lived with Vadim Loginov, a relative of hers, in an unsafe, low-income part of Southern Bronx in New York. She became a person of interest during this time while spying on the drug dealers in her apartment. The drug dealers who were after Genrika were being paid by HR. Sameen Shaw attempted to track Genrika, but the girl was too clever for her age and spotted Shaw in a reflection at a convenience store. Shaw later paid a visit to Genrika's apartment and protected her while they were being pursued by the thugs. The two gradually became friends. One of the men found them, knocked out Shaw, and took Genrika. Genrika was being held at a secure building by HR lieutenant Patrick Simmons. Mike Laskey, under instructions from Carter, gave Simmons fake information about recordings Genrika had kept which possibly contained HR's activities. Simmons and his men waited at a yard, where Reese took out the gunmen and fought Simmons in hand-to-hand combat. During this time, Shaw was able to find and rescue Genrika. Finch petitioned successfully to have Genrika made his ward and Shaw escorted Genrika to a fancy private school. Shaw handed her a number that she could use to reach her if she ever needed to. Gen handed Shaw her prized possession, her grandfather's Order of Lenin medal and asked her not to sell it. Genrika said to Shaw that she does have feelings, but that her "voice inside" needs to be heard and that she's a good person. Touched, Shaw hugged Genrika before saying goodbye to her. es:Genrika Zhirova