| - Chercher "arrancar" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Arrancar are a group of Hollows that gained similar powers to that of a Shinigami by removing their masks. The individuals that Aizen turned into Arrancar using the Hōgyoku possess powers far beyond those of previous Arrancar. Especially powerful Arrancar were assigned ten numbers by Sōsuke Aizen and came to be known as the Espada.
- List of Arrancar.
- Arrancar(derived from the Spanish word Arrancare which means "To rip off" or "To remove") are Hollow that have removed their skull-like masks. This process transforms them into arrancar, which is called "Shinigamifacation(Shinigami-ka)". This gives them a human appearance, with only a broken piece or other remnant of the mask and a hollow hole remain of their Hollow selves.
- [verbe du premier groupe] [arraŋˈkaɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* arracher, déraciner, tirer violemment, enlever, prendre → quitar, coger 2.
* tousser → toser 3.
* faire démarrer 1.
* démarrer (une machine) 2.
* ¿cómo arranca un coche? comment démarre une voiture ?
- Arrancar (破面 (アランカル) , arankaru; po hiszpańsku "Oderwać", a japońsku "Zerwana Maska") to Hollowy, które usunęły swoje maski i zyskały moce Shinigami. Po tym, jak Aizen zdobywa Hōgyoku i ucieka do Hueco Mundo, stali się oni głównymi antagonistami serii Bleach, a w szczególności Espada, czyli pierwsza dziesiątka najsilniejszych tej rasy.
- [verbe du premier groupe] []Catégorie:Prononciation manquante Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* 2.
* catalan oriental : [ərəŋˈka]Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan oriental
* nord-occidental : [araŋˈka]Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan nord-occidental
* valencien : [araŋˈkaɾ]Catégorie:Prononciation en valencien
- Arrancar (破面 (アランカル), arankaru; hiszp. "Zdzierać", kanji: "Zerwana Maska"), l.mn. Arrancarzy – podrasa hollowów, to te z nich, które uzyskały moce podobne do zdolności shinigami poprzez zdarcie z twarzy fragmentu swojej maski. Większość z nich żyje w Hueco Mundo, a dokładniej w Las Noches.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Arrancar (jap.: アランカル, Arankaru, spanisch für "entreißen") sind Hollow, die einen Teil ihrer früheren Hollow-Maske abgelegt haben, um teilweise die Kräfte eines Shinigami zu erlangen. Sie benutzen wie die Shinigami ein Zanpakutō, weswegen die Kräfte eines Arrancar auch eine Mischung aus denen eines Hollow und denen eines Shinigami sind, wobei die Hollowkräfte aber überwiegen. Das äquivalente Gegenstück sind die Visored, Shinigami mit Hollowkräften. Arrancar waren bis zur Herrschaft Sōsuke Aizens über Hueco Mundo sehr selten, doch Aizen erschuf mittels des Hōgyoku mehr von ihnen. Wird die Maske eines Hollow durch das Hōgyoku oder durch ein natürliches Phänomen zerstört und der Arrancar geboren, wird die Hollowkraft in ihrem Zanpakutō versiegelt. Diese Hollowkraft nennt ma
- thumb|Algunos de los Arrancar principales de la serie Pocos Hollows tienen el potencial de arrancarse sus máscaras, e incluso si son capaces de hacerlo el cambio puede no ser muy importante. Básicamente, sólo los Hollows del tipo vasto lorde son los únicos que llegan a convertirse en Arrancar con un evidente cambio y un aumento de poder que deba ser tenido en cuenta. Aunque la Sociedad de Almas ha tenido noticias de los Arrancar naturales desde mucho tiempo atrás, sólo tras la traición de Aizen el proceso de Shinigamificación (entendido como tal a convertir un Hollow en Arrancar) se ha extendido y se ha perfeccionado considerablemente, gracias a la acción de la Hōgyoku. Este artefacto, creado por Kisuke Urahara es capaz de romper la barrera entre Hollows y Shinigami al ser activado por rei
- Few Hollows have the potential to remove their masks naturally, and even if they manage to do so, the change may not be significant. Sōsuke Aizen is able to artificially create Arrancar with the Hōgyoku, which also unlocks much more of their potential than a natural transformation would. The process of turning a Hollow into an Arrancar is called Shinigamification. Arrancar and ordinary Hollows differ in several ways:
| - Few Hollows have the potential to remove their masks naturally, and even if they manage to do so, the change may not be significant. Sōsuke Aizen is able to artificially create Arrancar with the Hōgyoku, which also unlocks much more of their potential than a natural transformation would. The process of turning a Hollow into an Arrancar is called Shinigamification. Arrancar and ordinary Hollows differ in several ways: Arrancar assume a humanoid body, as opposed to the animal-like or monstrous forms seen from Hollows. Upon becoming an Arrancar, the chances of a Hollow retaining a humanoid form increase with their intelligence; only Vasto Lorde-class Menos will definitely assume a humanoid form. This new form will retain remnants of their past selves, like fragments of their removed masks and a Hollow hole. While some Arrancar prefer to conceal these remnants (such as Nnoitra and Halibel), others (like Aaroniero) hide their faces completely to escape unwanted attention. Arrancar can gain a Zanpakutō. Unlike with Shinigami, this Zanpakutō is not sentient, but simply their "true" Hollow form sealed into a sword. Therefore, an Arrancar's release of their Zanpakutō is merely a temporary restoration to their former selves, granting them any powers their Hollow form possesses. The act of release is called Resurrección (Spanish for "resurrection"), which is activated with a command phrase followed by the name of the sword. The Resurrección of Espada-level Arrancar releases enough power to be comparable to a Shinigami's Bankai. Few Arrancar do not have a Zanpakutō, being too weak to seal their excess power into a blade, while others prefer to have it constantly released, as with Iceringer and Demōra. The Arrancar under Aizen's command have a standard theme for their clothing. Their uniforms consist of a white jacket, black sash, white hakama, and black and white shoes that resemble sandals; in essence, the uniforms are basically inverted Shinigami uniforms.
- Chercher "arrancar" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)