| - At school, she asks Giles if there's any way to reverse the standing invitation Angel has to her home ("No shoes, No pulse, No service"), and Giles promises to look into it. Ms. Calendar asks Willow to cover her computer class for her when she's late, and Willow agrees as Buffy and Giles show up, exhibiting the same coldness to Ms. Calendar that they have for several weeks. Buffy leaves with Willow, but Jenny gives Giles a book she says will help to make things right. That's what she wants, she says, to make things right, and she admits that she's in love with Giles.
| - At school, she asks Giles if there's any way to reverse the standing invitation Angel has to her home ("No shoes, No pulse, No service"), and Giles promises to look into it. Ms. Calendar asks Willow to cover her computer class for her when she's late, and Willow agrees as Buffy and Giles show up, exhibiting the same coldness to Ms. Calendar that they have for several weeks. Buffy leaves with Willow, but Jenny gives Giles a book she says will help to make things right. That's what she wants, she says, to make things right, and she admits that she's in love with Giles. The strain is getting to Buffy — she wonders if her mother should be told, because Angel is likely to come after her family. At dinner that night, Buffy gives her mother a sanitized version of her problem with Angel as a warning. And later, while on the phone with Buffy, Willow finds an envelope just like the one Buffy found, containing all her aquarium fish, dead. Terrified, Willow spends the night at Buffy's. Factory. Dru has brought a puppy to tempt Spike's appetite. Spike wheels off angrily, refusing to be wet-nursed like a child. Angelus struts in and needles Spike about his lack of independence. Bicker bicker. They're interrupted by Dru being crazy some more. She wails that somebody's trying to wreck their happy family. That someone is Ms. Calendar, who visits a local shop and acquires an Orb of Thesulah. The next day, Buffy is still cold to Ms. Calendar but nevertheless tells her that Giles misses her. That night at Willow's house, they find another envelope, this one for Buffy — it's a picture of Buffy's mother, asleep. At the Summers residence, Joyce pulls into the driveway to find Angelus waiting for her in the front yard, impersonating a distinctly deranged Angel. Over her threats to call the police, Angelus drops the bomb about him and Buffy making love. Rattled, Joyce runs inside the house, just as Willow and Buffy read an incantation revoking Angel's invitation. "Sorry, Angel. Changed the locks." SLAM. Drusilla shows up at the shop Ms. Calendar visited, asking the shop owner what the teacher wanted. At school, Ms. Calendar is working late when Giles shows up and invites her over when she's done. He leaves, and she finishes her work — she's found out how to restore Angel's soul! Saving the solution to a floppy disk, she prints it out, and suddenly she realizes she's not alone. Angelus has been lounging in the back row for a while. He breaks the Orb of Thesulah and destroys her computer, burning the printout, and then attacks Ms. Calendar. She runs for her life, but to no avail — Angel catches her and breaks her neck. Joyce talks to Buffy about her dalliances with the "too old," "obviously not very stable" Angel. The talk seems to bring the Summers women closer together. Giles returns home to find a rose on his door, champagne in ice, Puccini on the stereo, and a note saying "Upstairs." Climbing the candlelit stairs, his smile freezes on his face as he sees the dead body of Ms. Calendar in his bed. As the police wheel the body away, he calls Buffy and Willow, who break into tears as Angel watches through the window, smiling. Worried about what Giles might do, Buffy has Cordelia drive the gang to Giles' house. He's not home, and his weapons are gone, and they realize that he's gone to the factory to take on Angel by himself. At the factory, Spike is up in arms over the "incredibly brassed off" Slayer who is due to hunt them down. Angelus shrugs of this threat, when suddenly a Molotov cocktail lands on the floor, setting the factory on fire. It's Giles, coming at Angel with a full arsenal, but he loses the upper hand and is at the vampire's mercy. At that moment, Buffy enters the fray. Dru and Spike make a strategic exit. Buffy arrives in the nick of time, beating Angel back and almost into submission, but then Angel points at Giles, lying unconscious before the approaching flames. The vampire escapes as Buffy saves her Watcher. He protests that it wasn't her fight, and Buffy's response is to slug him — then hug him tight. "You can't leave me," she sobs. "I can't do this alone." Giles and Buffy visit Ms. Calendar's grave, and Buffy apologizes with all her heart for not killing Angelus when she had the chance. "I wasn't ready. But now I think I finally am." Willow sadly accepts the task of filling in for the computer teacher until a replacement is hired. As she takes her place at the desk, a floppy disk falls unnoticed to the floor...