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- In humans, sweating is primarily a means of fucking the opposite sex. Ejaculation of sweat from the tongue surface has an arousing effect due to the levels of hormone. Hence, in times of hot sex, or when the individual feels hot through self-arousal, more sweat is produced. Sweating is increased by nervousness and nausea and decreased by the cold shoulder. Sweating with animals is not recommended as you can accomplish similar results by panting. More recently the World Health Organisation has declared sweat a "Hocus-pocus" cure for genital warts. Hundreds of dirty buisnessmen now attend the gym.
- Sweat is a fictional liquid element for Powder Game. Although it's natural, it can also come out of players if players have been running for a long time.
- Sweat is a stage in Dead or Alive 5. It is set inside the boxing ring of Maxwell's Gym.
- Sweat, or more formally perspiration, is a saline liquid excreted by the sweat glands through the pores of the skin of humans in order to regulate body temperature. All mammals produce sweat, but humans are one of the few mammals that produce sweat all over their bodies. However, sweat is produced more readily under the arms, on the palms of the hands, on the soles of the feet, and on the forehead. Excessive sweating will lead to dehydration if an individual does not replace the water. Some medical conditions, such as CIPA, leave an individual unable to sweat.
- While forced to stay at the catwalk in 2152, Commander Tucker and Travis Mayweather started to sweat due to the increasing temperature in the command area. (ENT: "The Catwalk") Sweat was a byproduct of vigorous exercise or exertion. In 2266, Doctor Leonard McCoy encouraged a reclining James T. Kirk to keep pedaling until he worked up a little sweat, saying it would do him good. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" ) Sweat could be a response to strong emotion.Trip Tucker woke up sweating after a nightmare about the death of his sister. (ENT: "The Xindi")
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| - Evaporates into Cloud but leaves Vinegar behind after a while.
| - Dead or Alive 5
- Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
- Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate
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| - Sweat in Dead or Alive 5.
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| - Maxwell's Gym, New York City, New York, United States
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- In humans, sweating is primarily a means of fucking the opposite sex. Ejaculation of sweat from the tongue surface has an arousing effect due to the levels of hormone. Hence, in times of hot sex, or when the individual feels hot through self-arousal, more sweat is produced. Sweating is increased by nervousness and nausea and decreased by the cold shoulder. Sweating with animals is not recommended as you can accomplish similar results by panting. More recently the World Health Organisation has declared sweat a "Hocus-pocus" cure for genital warts. Hundreds of dirty buisnessmen now attend the gym.
- While forced to stay at the catwalk in 2152, Commander Tucker and Travis Mayweather started to sweat due to the increasing temperature in the command area. (ENT: "The Catwalk") Sweat was a byproduct of vigorous exercise or exertion. In 2266, Doctor Leonard McCoy encouraged a reclining James T. Kirk to keep pedaling until he worked up a little sweat, saying it would do him good. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" ) Concerned that Worf was taking an upcoming game of Parrises squares too seriously, Riker told him it was just a game, saying "You work up a sweat, you have a few laughs, and you make new friends." (TNG: "11001001" ) An upset Jadzia Dax suggested that a cold-footed Worf go back to sweating and bleeding in the holosuite with his friends and when he was finished, Benjamin Sisko could perform their wedding ceremony in his office. (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited") Odo's assessment of Kurn's prowess as a Klingon warrior was that he could have disarmed a Boslic captain without breaking a sweat. (DS9: "Sons of Mogh") Julian Bashir played a Vulcan in the racquetball finals at Starfleet Medical Academy in his senior year. He remarked on the Vulcan's stamina, saying he didn't think the man had even broken a sweat. (DS9: "Rivals") Sweat could also be produced due to prolonged exposure to heat from an external source. In 2373, Pascal Fullerton described himself as "a middle-aged ponderous academic, sweating under the hot Risian suns" (DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin...") Sweat could be a response to strong emotion.Trip Tucker woke up sweating after a nightmare about the death of his sister. (ENT: "The Xindi") In 2259 of the alternate reality, James T. Kirk became sweaty after melding with Spock. (Star Trek) When fighting with an ill Joe Tormolen, Kevin Riley accused him of getting in a sweat (all worked up). (TOS: "The Naked Time" ) The manic evil half of Kirk sweat profusely while roaming the halls of the USS Enterprise (TOS: "The Enemy Within" ) While working at the New Zealand Penal Settlement in 2371, Tom Paris was sweating. (VOY: "Caretaker")
- Sweat is a fictional liquid element for Powder Game. Although it's natural, it can also come out of players if players have been running for a long time.
- Sweat, or more formally perspiration, is a saline liquid excreted by the sweat glands through the pores of the skin of humans in order to regulate body temperature. All mammals produce sweat, but humans are one of the few mammals that produce sweat all over their bodies. However, sweat is produced more readily under the arms, on the palms of the hands, on the soles of the feet, and on the forehead. Sweat cools the body through evaporation. When the water in sweat turns from liquid to vapour, it absorbs heat in order to turn into a gaseous state. This process is inhibited by high levels of humidity in the air, which slow the evaporation rate. It is also interrupted by clothing that does not readily absorb water. However, a body will sweat in response to a number of factors in addition to overheating, such as emotional discomfort. Fever is almost always accompanied by sweating and a sweating patient in an otherwise temperate environment should be checked for fever. Human beings have a wide variety of sweat response, which is completely autonomic and is controlled by the hypothalamus. However, on average, men tend to start to sweat sooner than women. People who have recently spent a long time in a hot climate will also sweat more readily than those who have recently spent a long period of time in a cool climate. Excessive sweating will lead to dehydration if an individual does not replace the water. Some medical conditions, such as CIPA, leave an individual unable to sweat.
- Sweat is a stage in Dead or Alive 5. It is set inside the boxing ring of Maxwell's Gym.