| - The God of Time is a spiritual being from who the duty to oversee the flow of time through the universe is bestowed upon. Unlike multiple titles held in the series, the 'God of Time' is not restricted to a species; in fact, the current God of Time was a former Human soul. Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, the World of the Living, and Hell are the four dimensions overseen by this unique deity. It is their job to monitor distortions in the timeline; should any distortion, any change in the timeline through any form of Time Travel (時間旅行 Jikanryokō) occur, it is up to the God of Time's discretion to either change the alterations, or leave them as is, and then to deal with the perpetrator as they see fit.
| - The God of Time is a spiritual being from who the duty to oversee the flow of time through the universe is bestowed upon. Unlike multiple titles held in the series, the 'God of Time' is not restricted to a species; in fact, the current God of Time was a former Human soul. Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, the World of the Living, and Hell are the four dimensions overseen by this unique deity. It is their job to monitor distortions in the timeline; should any distortion, any change in the timeline through any form of Time Travel (時間旅行 Jikanryokō) occur, it is up to the God of Time's discretion to either change the alterations, or leave them as is, and then to deal with the perpetrator as they see fit. Uniquely, the Dangai (断界, Parsing World) is the only dimension the God of Time does not oversee, in addition to Garganta (黒腔 (ガルガンタ), Garuganta; Spanish for "Throat", Japanese for "Black Cavity"), the spiritual pathway that leads from Hueco Mundo to the myriad of other dimensions within the universe. The Dangai is not monitored by the God of Time because the dimension itself is outside the flow of space and time, and the flow of time itself within the dimension is denser compared to that of any other dimension; 2,000 times denser, in fact. To a God of Time, whose position allows them to perceive time in all forms, the Dangai appears as a constant anomaly of the timeline; it is in fact even painful to look at the Dangai, much less stand within the dimension personally. As for the Garganta, the dimension itself is ephemeral; it exists only as long as the technique used to create it persists. The position of God of Time is unique in that it is a position that can only be passed down; for another God of Time to be appointed, they must first be selected by the incumbent to the position, who will then pass their abilities onto the new God of Time, granting them all of the abilities afforded by the position, and at the same time, losing their own, and passing into the cycle of reincarnation as would any soul who dies. Killing the possessor of the title is an impossibility; so long as the God of Time possesses their abilities, they will and must always exist. They are a fact of the timeline, and the only anomaly to exist of this kind.