| - The Old One is one of the Old Ones, ancient deities from beyond the space-time continuum.
- The Old One is a great ancient sylvan encountered in the Wending Wood, right after the stone puzzle.
- The Old One is an entity and the main antagonist of Demons Souls.
- The Old One is a god that's mentioned in Might and Magic: The Sea of Mist. According to Xarfax, he was one of the Old Ones who had no name at the beginning of time, before the true world was fragmented, "even before the gods chose the paths of Light or Darkness". One day, the Old One was driven insane by a dark spell from an unknown enemy, and in his state of weakness, the other gods killed him. Afterwards, they broke his bones and rended his flesh, intending to wipe him from the memory of the world.
- Tier: 2-A Name: The Old One Gender: Male Age: Billions of years old (second oldest living thing in existence) Classification: Sub-gradient of the Architect, father of Lord Sunday, the Mariner & the Piper, Prometheus Powers & Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Immunity to Nothing, Forcefield, Text Manipulation Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Half as strong as The Architect) Speed: Unknown. At least Infinite via using the Improbable Stair Durability: Multiverse level+ Range: Multiversal
- The Old One's first and only appearance is in Resident Evil Outbreak Survivalist, he is the main Antaganist and can be heard speaking to the player severel times, commenting on their performances and will often talk the player into making very evil decisions. He is incredably powerful and can sometimes defeat the player in one hit.
- Bestowal Dialogue: 'I am glad you are here. I was wounded by one of these cursed worms and have been forced to hide in the dark corners of this cave for some days. But now that my wound is almost healed, I have learned much by spying on the comings and goings of the Gertheryg. 'This cave is inhabited by an ancient Gorthorog called Ulkrank. He is an old one...the oldest such creature I have ever seen. The other brutes seem to treat him with the greatest reverence. He may perhaps be their ruler. Objective: 1. Ulkrank, the ancient Gorthorog, can be found somewhere in the depths of the worm-cave.
| - The Old One's first and only appearance is in Resident Evil Outbreak Survivalist, he is the main Antaganist and can be heard speaking to the player severel times, commenting on their performances and will often talk the player into making very evil decisions. He is incredably powerful and can sometimes defeat the player in one hit. He appears in the Alternate Reality Scenario and with good reason. As in the real world he doesn't exsist, hence the name of the scenario. He commands an very powerful army of minions, each standing guard and awaiting command in severel places scatted around the scenario.
- Tier: 2-A Name: The Old One Gender: Male Age: Billions of years old (second oldest living thing in existence) Classification: Sub-gradient of the Architect, father of Lord Sunday, the Mariner & the Piper, Prometheus Powers & Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Immunity to Nothing, Forcefield, Text Manipulation Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Half as strong as The Architect) Speed: Unknown. At least Infinite via using the Improbable Stair Durability: Multiverse level+ Range: Multiversal Weaknesses: Binding spells of the Architect and devices made by her specifically to hurt him
- Bestowal Dialogue: 'I am glad you are here. I was wounded by one of these cursed worms and have been forced to hide in the dark corners of this cave for some days. But now that my wound is almost healed, I have learned much by spying on the comings and goings of the Gertheryg. 'This cave is inhabited by an ancient Gorthorog called Ulkrank. He is an old one...the oldest such creature I have ever seen. The other brutes seem to treat him with the greatest reverence. He may perhaps be their ruler. 'For my own part, I am ready to leave this place, but if you would, I think you can do more here. Slay as many of these vile worms as you can, and fight your way to the depths of the cave where Ulkrank dwells. Once he is defeated, tell my friend Fonn in Tyrn Lhuig of your victory. He will surely be concerned about me.' Background: The scout Bethad has found that the worm-cave is the home to a venerated elder Gorthorog called Ulkrank. Objective: 1. Ulkrank, the ancient Gorthorog, can be found somewhere in the depths of the worm-cave. Bethad has asked you to explore the worm-cave, slaying all the worms you find, and finally, Ulkrank himself. 2. Fonn is back at Tyrn Lhuig. Having defeated Ulkrank, Bethad asked you to tell his friend Fonn of your deeds.
* Ancient Lair
* The Old One Reward: 36s40c This quest has been flagged as "Requiring more data" about its rewards. We're probably just missing a screenshot of the items, and/or their names. Everything else should be fine. Carry on, adventurer!If you have this information, we'd love it if you could edit the page and add it.
- The Old One is one of the Old Ones, ancient deities from beyond the space-time continuum.
- The Old One is a god that's mentioned in Might and Magic: The Sea of Mist. According to Xarfax, he was one of the Old Ones who had no name at the beginning of time, before the true world was fragmented, "even before the gods chose the paths of Light or Darkness". One day, the Old One was driven insane by a dark spell from an unknown enemy, and in his state of weakness, the other gods killed him. Afterwards, they broke his bones and rended his flesh, intending to wipe him from the memory of the world. Later, the powers of Light and Darkness fought each other over dominion of the world's lands and creatures, each trying to claim so much that they eventually shattered the world into hundreds of thousands of others. Even in his dead and broken state, the Old One knew he didn't want the world to be fragmented, so he became a fog that would drift from world to world, providing a bridge from one place to another as it tried to pull all the worlds back into one again. This fog was eventually called the Sea of Mist. Whenever the Mist seemed to act with a purpose, people would say that it was the Old One, and that part of his senses had returned to him. When Xarfax told this story when they were traveling on the Crimson Raptor, Praz-El thought the story sounded familiar, and wondered if he'd ever heard it before.
- The Old One is a great ancient sylvan encountered in the Wending Wood, right after the stone puzzle.
- The Old One is an entity and the main antagonist of Demons Souls.