| - Jeffrey Sparkman, RN, usually referred to as Nurse Jeffrey is the male nurse that House makes fun of in the episodes Ignorance is Bliss and The Choice. He is played by Patrick Price. Although he is only a minor character - appearing briefly in two episodes and being mentioned in a third, he was chosen to star in his own online series which provided important backstory and character development for several characters including Daria, Vincent, Oscar Silva, Sandy, Hourani, Dr. Ron Simpson and even Gregory House himself. He is briefly seen at House's funeral in Everybody Dies.
| - Jeffrey Sparkman, RN, usually referred to as Nurse Jeffrey is the male nurse that House makes fun of in the episodes Ignorance is Bliss and The Choice. He is played by Patrick Price. Although he is only a minor character - appearing briefly in two episodes and being mentioned in a third, he was chosen to star in his own online series which provided important backstory and character development for several characters including Daria, Vincent, Oscar Silva, Sandy, Hourani, Dr. Ron Simpson and even Gregory House himself. Nurse Jeffrey is one of the only male nurses at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. In Ignorance is Bliss, House exits the clinic with a patient named Dianna that he appears to have been nice to. Cuddy is surprised by this, and Nurse Jeffrey tells her that House has been in the clinic for forty-five minutes. When House bribes a patient named Ronnie to act like he's been good to so that he can impress Cuddy, he sees that Cuddy is not there. He asks Nurse Jeffrey where she is, and Nurse Jeffrey tells him that she just left to go home. House is about to go after her, but then realizes he hasn't made fun of Nurse Jeffrey for being a male nurse. He asks Jeffrey if he has, and Nurse Jeffrey says that he thought this counted as House making fun of him. In The Choice, House comes in and says he woke up in the wrong bed. Jeffrey notes that any bed that House is in is the wrong bed. House replies that's not what Jeffrey's mother said. Jeffrey excuses himself to go to Human Resources. In Now What?, Cuddy is talking about her problems at the hospital with House and she mentions that Jeffrey keeps going to human resources about him. He is briefly seen at House's funeral in Everybody Dies. Jeffrey's character development through his short appearance in the series and his web series is based on his wish to get back at House for the way he makes fun of people, particularly him. To this end, he attempts to get evidence that he can take to human resources to force them to take disciplinary action against House. However, these efforts always provide either trivial or completely meritless complaints and merely provide comic relief. Jeffrey is a worthy opponent for House, although he probably overestimates his own intelligence and scheming ability. Like House, Jeffrey is a polyglot, and shows fluency in French, Spanish and German. It is shown during the web episodes that Jeffrey is most likely gay, although he certainly appreciates (and is distracted by) attractive women. One of the things that comes out of the appisodes is that although the doctors at PPTH generally have no use for House, most of the staff have no problem with him. For example, Wilson's assistant Sandy probably believes House treats her better than Wilson, and Daria is resigned to the fact that House always tries to scam food from the cafeteria.