| - Just because a character doesn't have a sense of humor themselves doesn't mean that they can't make the audience laugh. The Comically Serious is a character who ostensibly has a serious, composed personality, but is funny because he or she is put into funny situations. This works with character types who react calmly to unusual situations, especially those that more realistically induce hysteria or other strong emotions, such as the Deadpan Snarker, The Stoic, and The Quiet One. Comically Serious characters turn up in Britcom. Compare No Sense of Humor, So Unfunny It's Funny
| - Just because a character doesn't have a sense of humor themselves doesn't mean that they can't make the audience laugh. The Comically Serious is a character who ostensibly has a serious, composed personality, but is funny because he or she is put into funny situations. This works with character types who react calmly to unusual situations, especially those that more realistically induce hysteria or other strong emotions, such as the Deadpan Snarker, The Stoic, and The Quiet One. Typically works as a Straight Man in the cast, although they may have some odd weakness. Often, they become the victim of Not So Above It All. Comically Serious characters turn up in Britcom. Bizarrely enough, has a very similar comedic style to the certain kinds of Cloudcuckoolander, in that the Cloudcuckoolander's comedy often comes from serious reactions to their own oddities, while The Comically Serious's comes from serious reactions to other people's/things'. Subtrope of Bathos. Also related to Serious Business, as comically serious characters have a tendency to indulge in it. Might also be the Butt Monkey in settings where being serious is seen as an offense. Compare No Sense of Humor, So Unfunny It's Funny Contrast Dude, Not Funny. Examples of The Comically Serious include: