| - His Imperial and Most Illustrious Lutheran Majesty, Franz VII, Defender of the Faith, by the Grace of God, Emperor of Hulstria, His Imperial Majesty Imperator of Dolgaria, His Royal Northern Highness Great Prince & Tsar of Trigunia, His Royal Highness Grand Duke of Sisula (b. November 19th, 3103, Fliederbrunn Palace, Kien, Greater Hulstria) was the reigning monarch of Greater Hulstria, Dolgaria, and Trigunia. Franz VII was the first child and son of Alexander II of Hulstria and Viktoria von Smaragdwald; he is the older brother to Archduke Karl of Hulstria. Franz VII was married to Anastasiya, Duchess of Petrovgrad; the couple has one child, Klaus Gustav. Franz VII was first married to Viktoria, Duchess of Recke, when he was Crown Prince of Hulstria. The Duchess of Recke died of breast canc
| - His Imperial and Most Illustrious Lutheran Majesty, Franz VII, Defender of the Faith, by the Grace of God, Emperor of Hulstria, His Imperial Majesty Imperator of Dolgaria, His Royal Northern Highness Great Prince & Tsar of Trigunia, His Royal Highness Grand Duke of Sisula (b. November 19th, 3103, Fliederbrunn Palace, Kien, Greater Hulstria) was the reigning monarch of Greater Hulstria, Dolgaria, and Trigunia. Franz VII was the first child and son of Alexander II of Hulstria and Viktoria von Smaragdwald; he is the older brother to Archduke Karl of Hulstria. Franz VII was married to Anastasiya, Duchess of Petrovgrad; the couple has one child, Klaus Gustav. Franz VII was first married to Viktoria, Duchess of Recke, when he was Crown Prince of Hulstria. The Duchess of Recke died of breast cancer early on in their marriage and the couple had no issue; he would not remarry until the 3150s after he was crowned monarch with Duchess Anastasiya who was serving as the Viceroy of Trigunia at the time and he would produce an issue with her to the throne. Franz's younger brother Karl was the heir presumptive to the Hulstrian and Trigunian thrones prior to the marriage and before the birth of Crown Prince Klaus Gustav of Hulstria, the couples first child and son. In the year 3146 then HIM Crown Prince Klemens of Hulstria inherited the thrones of Greater Hulstria, Dolgaria, and Trigunia following the passing of his father, Alexander II of Hulstria. The Crown Prince was coronated as Franz VII of Hulstria & II of Trigunia & I of Dolgaria at a lavish ceremony at the Hulstrian National Cathedral, taking up the regnal name in honor of Franz VI of Hulstria who reigned in the late 2700s. A much more conservative figure than his father, the new Emperor sought to take a more more active position within the Court, and oversee more of the activities within the Imperial Diet in Hulstria. The first few years of his reign saw the power of the Court expand within the Imperial Diet and Franz VII becoming a more active, public figure than his father within the country. His increased activity historians suggest were brought on by his consort, the Duchess Maskhov, a much more political figure. Franz's reign would be rocked early on by the assassination of the Governor-General of Greater Hulstria Andreas, 9th Count of Sichartshofen in 3150 by a far-left terrorist at a political rally in Labsburg; Franz VII appointed Mara Peters to serve as the Acting Governor-General for the rest of Sichartshofen term to ensure a continuation of government. In a rare television apperance the Emperor calmed the public and urged unity within the Empire in wake of the assasination of the Governor-General. His subsequent apperance at the attack site and at the funeral of the Governor-General earned him high marks from his subjects. Franz VII's calmness and leadership brought many of his subjects together to return to normalcy and resume the Hulstrian democratic process. Franz VII posthumously would bestow the honor of the Imperial Service Order upon the late Sichartshofen. Following the assassination the Imperial Court experienced a period of peace and tranquility. Franz VII saw through repairing relations with the House of Hutori after over 100 years of tensions between the two families and established relations with the royal family of Dorvik who sought to be restored there; Franz VII as well backed them for recognition by the International Monarchist League which they eventually earned. This period also saw through the union of the House of Rothingren-Traugott and the House of Mashkov with the marriage between Franz VII and Duchess Anastasiya of Petrovgrad. The marriage brought in a new voice within the Hulstrian court, a more political voice to the Kaiser's ear as Duchess Anastasiya was serving as the Viceroy of Trigunia at the time of the wedding. The Duchess would later leave the position of Viceroy though she continued to act as the close ear to the Kaiser during the Court's most important moments in his reign. The period of peace would end with the arrival of the Likaton-Kalopian Crisis and Greater Hulstria's defense of the Holy Kingdom of Kafuristan and the House of Al-Majali. As the Crisis went forward Greater Hulstria as well as Trigunia were forced into conflict in the South Ocean War with the Likatonian military alliance and later the War of the Two Kaisers where Franz VII would face off against Nikolai II of Kazulia. The decade of conflict would end with a victory for Franz and his personal union states but Majatra would face another crisis in Jakania soon after the war's conclusion. Towards the end of his reign in Greater Hulstria the nation saw the rise of liberal and socialist elements within the political sphere, challenging the conservative order led by the Roderick political family that had maintained an iron grip throughout Franz's reign within the Imperial Crownlands. The rise of these elements would result in a back and forth struggle for power in the last decade of the century with the likes of Gustav von Staufbrücken and his liberal counterparts clashing with the liberals for control over the office of Governor-General. Before his death Franz VII was formally restored to the throne of the Empire of Dolgaria, a throne lost by his father during a republican insurgency. Franz VII was crowned formally as the Imperator of Dolgaria and united the nations of Hulstria and Trigunia in personal union with Dolgaria.