Set in a fantasy world, the story concerns Ryu, a young boy with the mysterious ability to transform into powerful dragons, who must discover the truth behind his origins, as well as locate his lost friends and surrogate family. The game's plot is presented in two parts: the first half concerning Ryu as a child, and the second half as an adult. He is accompanied by a number of supporting characters who aid him on a journey that leads them across the world, eventually confronting a mad goddess.
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| - Breath of Fire III
- Breath of Fire III
| - Breath of Fire III ist der dritte Teil der "Breath of Fire"-Serie.
- Set in a fantasy world, the story concerns Ryu, a young boy with the mysterious ability to transform into powerful dragons, who must discover the truth behind his origins, as well as locate his lost friends and surrogate family. The game's plot is presented in two parts: the first half concerning Ryu as a child, and the second half as an adult. He is accompanied by a number of supporting characters who aid him on a journey that leads them across the world, eventually confronting a mad goddess.
- Breath of Fire III is the third installment in the Breath of Fire series, and the first to feature three-dimensional environments and effects. New gameplay elements are introduced, including an expanded combat system and environment interaction, the ability to learn enemy skills, and acquiring Masters that customizes the abilities of the characters.
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| - Playstation
- Playstation Portable
| - Breath of Fire III
- Breath of Fire III
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| - PlayStation
- PlayStation Portable
- EU: 2006
- JP: 1997
- JP: 2005
- NA: 1998
- US: 2016
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| - Breath of Fire III ist der dritte Teil der "Breath of Fire"-Serie.
- Set in a fantasy world, the story concerns Ryu, a young boy with the mysterious ability to transform into powerful dragons, who must discover the truth behind his origins, as well as locate his lost friends and surrogate family. The game's plot is presented in two parts: the first half concerning Ryu as a child, and the second half as an adult. He is accompanied by a number of supporting characters who aid him on a journey that leads them across the world, eventually confronting a mad goddess.
- Breath of Fire III is the third installment in the Breath of Fire series, and the first to feature three-dimensional environments and effects. New gameplay elements are introduced, including an expanded combat system and environment interaction, the ability to learn enemy skills, and acquiring Masters that customizes the abilities of the characters.