| - Darth Bane pierwotnie Dessel, to Lord Sithów, twórca Zasady Dwóch.
- Darth Bane was released in 2006 with the Champions of the Force set.
- Darth Bane is a fictional character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. He is first mentioned in the novelization of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, and is thereafter consistently referenced in Expanded Universe material. He is also officially part of the Star Wars canon, which Lucasfilm officially revised in 2014, because he appeared in the last episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He appears in the Jedi vs. Sith comic book series and the novels Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Darth Bane: Rule of Two and Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil. Bane is notable for being the originator of the "Rule of Two" for the Sith Lords: a master and an apprentice can be the only Sith in the galaxy at one time.
- Darth Bane, narodený pod menom Dessel, sa stal Sith'ari, Temný Pán zo Sith a založil Pravidlo Dvoch.
- Darth Bthumb|Darth Baneane, född som Dessel, var en legendarisk Sithlord född 1026 BBY. Han var till en början med i Mörkrets brödraskap, vilket han egentligen föraktade eftersom han tyckte att brödraskapets ledare, Kaan, var en ynkrygg och dåre. När brödraskapet gick under formade Darth Bane en ny orden, De tvås styre. Hans egen lärling (Darth Zannah) dödade honom efter en strid när hon fick en lärling vilket var meningen med styret 50px Denna artikel är bara påbörjad. Hjälp till genom att [ fylla i mer]!Darth Bane
- Bane oli yksi harvoista Ruusanin viimeisestä taistelusta selvinneistä Voiman käyttäjistä nähden tuhat vuotta kestäneiden uusien sithsotien päättymisen. Veljeskunnan tuhouduttua, Bane perusti sithlordien säädyn käyttäen kahden sääntöä, jolloin sithejä oli kerralla ainoastaan kaksi. Tämä järjestelmä osoittautui myöhemmin tehokkaaksi, sillä sen avulla Darth Sidious nousi hallintoon lakkauttaen Galaktisen Tasavallan sekä melkein tuhoten jedit lopullisesti.
- Darth Bane, born under the name of Dessel, was the Sith'ari and the Dark Lord of the Sith responsible for creating the Rule of Two. Born in 1,026 BBY, he was raised as a poor miner on the Outer Rim planet Apatros.
- Darth Bane, nacido bajo el nombre de Dessel en Apatros, fue uno de los más importantes Señores Oscuros de los Sith. Tras el final de las Nuevas Guerras Sith, Bane fue uno de los últimos en ser legitimizado como Lord Sith y, como único superviviente de la batalla, reinventó la Orden Sith tras su destrucción. La revolución de Bane incluía la Regla de los Dos, una estructura que, debido al limitado número de Sith y la eliminación de las luchas internas que plagaban la Orden, llevaría siglos después, gracias a su sucesor Darth Sidious, al triunfo final sobre los Jedi y la República Galáctica.
- Darth Bane was a Sith Lord who founded the Rule of Two.
- He was born in 1026 BBY, which was a very dull time in the history of the Republic. In fact, Bane's arrival on the scene was just about the only interesting thing that happened that millennium. He was born to an abusive drunken father on Apatros and spent his youth among sweaty, well-muscled men slaving away in close quarters in the cortosis mine. It was an unconventional childhood, but at least he grew up okay. Oh, by the way, he killed his dad in a fit of rage using Force crush.
- Darth Bane, born under the name of Dessel, was the Sith'ari and the Dark Lord of the Sith responsible for creating the Rule of Two. He is the main protagonist of the titular novels Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Darth Bane: Rule of Two and Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, he is voiced by Mark Hamill who also plays Luke Skywalker in the same series and Joker from the Batman universe.
- Darth Bane egy ember Sith nagyúr volt a Régi Köztársaság idejében. Dessel néven született és élete első húsz évét egy Apatroson levő kortózisbányában töltötte, aminek köszönhetően brutális testi erőre és embertelen magasságra tett szert. Egy önvédelemből elkövetett gyilkosság miatt el kellett menekülnie a bolygóról, később beállt a Sith hadseregbe.
- thumbDarth Bane – fikcyjna postać ze świata Gwiezdnych wojen, Lord Sithów i twórca ich nowej tradycji. Używał miecza świetlnego o zakrzywionej rękojeści i czerwonym ostrzu.
- The Darth Bane series is a trilogy of books by Drew Karpyshyn set during the period of the New Sith Wars (roughly 1,000 years before the events of the Phantom Menace). It chronicles the life of Dessel, a cortosis ore miner that joins the Sith and eventually becomes Darth Bane, the first Lord of the Sith Order that eventually spawned Emperor Palpatine. The first book Darth Bane: Path of Destruction was followed by Darth Bane: Rule of Two, and the series concluded in Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil, which was released on December 8, 2009.
- Darth Bane is a character from the Expanded Waistband Universe of the Star Wars novels. He was a Sith Lord, porn star, member of the British National Front, and the founder of the “two Sith enter, one Sith leaves” axiom. Simply put, there can be only one Sith master and one Sith ‘bator. The master tortures and indoctrinates the ‘bator until the ‘bator can concoct a suitably humiliating way to kill his/her master. The former ‘bator becomes master, picks a new ‘bator to beat and slap vigorously, and spends the rest of his/her life constantly looking over his/her shoulder to make sure the ‘bator doesn’t kill him/her off too soon. A a corollary to this edict came to be known as the Rule of Poo which he added after Darth Zannah ate some of Bane's fine English cooking. It states that only the tw
- Darth Bane is a minor antagonist in the Star Wars Saga. He was created by George Lucas as part of the backstory of the prequel trilogy. After the character appeared in many Expanded Universe stories, which are now non-canon, an illusion of Darth Bane appeared before Yoda in the series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In The Clone Wars, Bane was voiced by Mark Hamill, who portrays Luke Skywalker.
- Darth Bane, geboren unter dem Namen Dessel, war ein Sith-Lord, der zur Zeit der Alten Republik lebte und unter den Sith durch die Neugründung des Sith-Ordens bekannt wurde. Nachdem er während seiner Zeit als Fußsoldat der Sith durch seine unmöglich scheinende Erfolge auffiel, wurde seine Machtempfänglichkeit festgestellt und er wurde auf Korriban in den Wegen der Dunklen Seite ausgebildet. Als die entscheidende Schlacht auf gegen die Jedi näher rückte, erkannte Bane, dass die Sith schwach geworden waren, da die Dunkle Seite auf zu viele verteilt war, um noch effektiv zu sein. Er verlieh sich selbst den Titel „Darth“ und verließ die Akademie. Gestärkt durch das Studium des Vermächtnisses von Darth Revan entwarf er einen Plan zur Vernichtung der verbleibenden Sith, den er schließlich durch
- Dessel, meglio noto con il nome Sith di Darth Bane, fu uno dei più importanti Signori Oscuri dei Sith della storia galattica. Dopo aver servito come soldato nell’armata Sith, cambiò nome e si addestrò all’Accademia Sith di Korriban, dove dimostrò rapidamente di essere l’apprendista più potente. La Regola dei Due di Bane avrebbe in seguito permesso l’ascesa di Darth Sidious che, secoli dopo, trionfò finalmente sui Jedi e causò la caduta della Repubblica Galattica. A partire dal 130 ABY, la Regola dei Due venne abolita e rimpiazzata con la Regola dell'Uno.
- Darth Bane, born under the name of Dessel, was the Sith'ari and the Dark Lord of the Sith responsible for creating the Rule of Two. Born in 1026 BBY, he was raised as a poor miner on the Outer Rim planet Apatros. After killing a Galactic Republic ensign in a fight in 1003 BBY, Dessel was in danger of being arrested and imprisoned by the Republic. With the help of his friend Groshik, he escaped off-world to join the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness. Initially serving as a foot soldier in the Gloom Walkers unit, he was recognized as a Force-sensitive, and taken to the Sith Academy on Korriban. Bane, as he had been christened, quickly became one of the best students at the Academy before he lost his faith in the dark side of the Force. Though Bane was able to regain his confidence in the dark sid
- In the face of such adversity, Dessel was often forced to fend for himself. He learned to ignore the constant jibes, threats, and insults directed against him by his father and the other miners, and grew into a strong young man as he worked deep in the cortosis mines. Even at this age, he felt the calls of the Force and its dark side, and after one last and particularly brutal beating at the hands of his father, Dessel used its power to kill him unknowingly, envisioning a giant hand squeezing his father's dark heart, literally willing him to die. He would not understand the part he had played in Hurst's demise until many years later when he discovered that it had been his use of the Force which had allowed him to kill his father.
- thumb|left|Darth Bane, Temný pán ze SithuBane se narodil na Apatrosu jako Dessel. Apatrosu byl těžebním světem ve Vnejším okraji. Jeho matka zemřela, když mu dávala život - za tohle ho jeho otec vinil a stal se alkoholikem. Dessela bil a psychicky ho trýznil, dokud mu neselhalo srdce. Jak později Dess zjistil, to on ho tehdy zabil pomocí Síly - způsobilo to jeho dočasné ochromení a odstavení od Síly. Když byl nucen odejít z Apatrosu kvůli nešvarům s republikovými vojáky, kteří rekrutovali vojáky, nezbylo mu nic jiného, než se přidat k Sithům. Tam ho čekal jiný, přesto stejný život. Opět byl morálně omezován. Neuposlechl rozkaz nadřízeného a měl být postaven před vojenský soud, ale to se nestalo. Místo soudu ho čekala nečekaná návštěva v jeho dosavadním vězení - lord Kopecz, Temný pán ze Si