| - Lieutenant Clint ist ein Offizier der Gunner, einer Fraktion von Söldnern, die im Commonwealth operieren.
- Clint is a human male appearing in the short story "Cold Case".
- Clint (CLINT, Computer Limited Intelligence Nutty Technocrat en version originale) est un ordinateur de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- Clint is a character featured in RAGE. He is a guard hired by Redstone protecting the community of Subway Town. After the Authority moves in Subway Town, Clint will guard the bottom of the stairs and warn Nicholas Raine about them. Afterwards, he will stand there and complain about the Authority.
- Clint was a friendly rabbit and the brother of Squint.
- Clint ist ein Chirurgiestudent an der Winston Universität.
- Clint ist ein Nebencharakter der Die Auserwählten-Trilogie. Er überlebte die Handlungen des ersten- und zweiten Buches. Auch im dritten Buch lebte er bis kurz vor dem Ende, aber es ist nicht bekannt, ob er es ins Paradies geschafft hat. Auf der Lichtung war er der Hüter der Sanis.
- Il est le seul agent de l'U.B.C.S. que l'ont peut voir avec un gilet de sauvetage. Il devait certainement jouer un rôle dans le scénario abandonné qui se déroulait sur les docks.
- Clint is among a group of 3 young punks who hang out in the [[:w:c:imagecomics:|Bowery Alleyways]] of [[:w:c:imagecomics:|New York City]]. Along with Mark and Spaz, he is introduced in [[:w:c:imagecomics:|Spawn #14]] where he and his friends are confronted by the Clown and told the tale of the Violator’s heroism in 800 years passed. At first the boys don’t buy in, but the Clown gives them a couple bucks to keep them interested. Clint is known for his trademark ILM cap and farmboy-like appearance.
- Clint is a character appearing in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus.
- Clint (クリント Kurinto?) is the leader of the Hunting Blades and a minor antagonist in Tales of Vesperia. The members of the guild refer to him exclusively as "Boss" or "Chief".
- Clint es un personaje eventual de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. En la serie, es el único periodista aparecido en más de una ocasión. Clint es un hombre de caráter un poco serio que presenta un telediario en la alocada ciudad de Endsville junto con su reportera Cindy.
- Clint was a mercenary for the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service and took part in their infamous mission into Raccoon City. Unlike the majority of his comrades, Clint wore the standard-issue U.B.C.S. uniform under a life jacket. Clint was probably intended to make an appearance in the scrapped "Raccoon Pier" Scenario .
- Clint was the oldest child of the former Julie Vera and her second husband. Clint was conceived shortly after her divorce from her first husband Nick Vera in 2006. Clint was just starting pre-school in the fall of 2010 when Nick met him for the first time.
- Lieutenant Clint is an officer of the Gunners, a mercenary faction operating in the Commonwealth in 2287.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ El Clint es un Sombrero. Este solo es accesible a los GMs para hacer eventos. Y tambien se le entrega a los mercenarios de Jiva (Serianes), Djaul (Stères), Raval (?), Hécate (Sélénytes) y Alma (Mercenarios) cuando los integrantes alcanzan cierto grado en ese alineamiento y asi probar que son aptos para ayudar a la comunidad.
- Clint was the owner of a black market pawn shop in New York City. His shop dealt various illegal materials, including child pornography and police radios. When Clint offered the wrong man the wrong deal, he was murdered by the Punisher.
- Clint, and a friend, had intended to use a pair of Repurposer 6 Plus guns to kill Judge Joseph Dredd. He ended up getting shot and was used as raw matter by his companion's weapon while attempting to shoot Dredd.
- <default>Clint</default> Edad Fecha de nacimiento Fecha de muerte Grupo sanguíneo Género Altura Peso Raza / etnia Ocupación Estado Voz Retrato Actor / actriz de captura Clint era un personaje que iba a salir en un escenario donde involucraria el Muelle de Raccoon en Resident Evil: Outbreak. Es un miembro del U.B.C.S. enviado a Raccoon City durante el brote del Virus-T.
- Clint was a UBCS mercenary. Clint was in the boat with other 14 UBCS member waiting for survivors. The only one was Hun7er 6amm4, another mercenery that had a intense fight with a gigantic infected great-white-shark called "King Neptune". The shark pursuited Hun7er in the boat, destroying him and killing Clint and his 14 partners. Only Hun7er had survived.
- In Home Wreckers, Ted is stunned when his mother, Virginia, and her long-time boyfriend Clint announce they are going to be married. Clint tells Ted his mother is a "very, very erotic woman". Despite Clint's bizarre conversation, Virginia was tremendously excited that someone "so cool" picked her. Ted hoped he might meet his future wife at their wedding. As a gift, Clint gave Ted a painting of himself and Virginia nude. Later, Ted goes to see his mother and Clint, and gives them the toast he had meant to give earlier.
- Clint is the shipwright of Britain in the time of Ultima VII. Clint was once a sea man, traveling on big ships cruising the oceans. However, he finally had to settle down and became the shipwright of Britain. When the Avatar spoke to him in Ultima VII, he lamented that everything had become too peaceful for his taste, fearing that all monsters could vanish soon, and that current seamen had no idea of the hardships of the past. He preferred a fighting life. He also was set firmly against the Fellowship, feeling that people should change their lives themselves, and not let others do it for them.