| - In cases where policy is repeatedly or blatantly broken by users, disciplinary action may be taken against the offending user(s). Wikis are a free-to-edit site, and as such may occasionally suffer from edits that are malicious or blatant vandalism, as well comments in blogs or talk pages that are negative or abusive in nature. Should you encounter any of these yourself, users are encouraged to report the user to an Administrator. When it comes to trolls or abusive users, the victimized user should never try and deal with the problem themselves — the best course of action is to simply ignore the abusive member and report them to an Administrator. Generally, it is a good idea to refrain from responding to trolls and/or abusive messages, and remember that even if you did not start the argument, any negative behavior — even in retaliation — is still accountable and against the rules. Abusive messages sent in response to insults levied at you will result in a warning just the same as if you started the confrontation yourself. Furthermore, trolls enjoy getting reactions from their victims, so responding to them solves nothing and only encourages them, while fighting back against abusive members only causes further disruption/fighting and again solves nothing, but will simply make both parties guilty of bad behavior.