| - __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Bosco Real Name Unknown First publication Unknown
- thumb|236px|Bosco Bosco - niedźwiedź, ostatni przedstawiciel swojego gatunku, pupil króla ziemi. Instynktownie potrafi wyczuć niebezpieczeństwo. Lubi Aanga i jego powietrzne sztuczki.
- Bosco är en manlig Tau'ri och är en medlem av SG-3. Han och hans team eskorterade SG-1 till planeten P2X-887. Överste Albert Reynolds erbjuds att följa med dem och lämnar honom och Peterson för att vakta Stargate men Överstelöjtnant Samantha Carter minskade. (SG1: "Zero Hour") kategori:Amerikaner kategori:Mariner kategori:En-gång SG-1 karaktär kategori:SG-3 medlem
- Bosco is the Earth King's pet bear. He resembles the real-life northern grizzly bear in the forests along the eastern coast of the Earth Kingdom.
- Bosco leads the gang of raiders based in D.B. Technical High School in 2287.
- Bosco de Oliveira (born 1952, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) is a Brazilian percussion musician, whose work has included performing on Duran Duran's Wedding Album.
- Bosco ist ein Bär und das getreue Haustier des Erdkönigs Kuei.
- He is a Beauceron. He gets jealous of the other male dogs in the gang, including its newest comer. He is controlling and violent. He is also Jezebel's boyfriend. At the end of the movie, everyone turns on Bosco, who leaves, vowing revenge, however only to be scared away by a bee on his nose.
- Prior to his capture, Bosco lived in the forests along the eastern coast of the Earth Kingdom. He was the only known member of his species, although the Earth King had commanded the top zoologists of Ba Sing Se University to lead a battalion of soldiers in scouring the Earth to find Bosco a mate. Little is known about his habits in the wild; however, Bosco enjoyed roaming the grounds of the Royal Palace with his master, and he developed a taste for cakes and pies, hence his weight.
- George is unwilling to tell anyone his ATM code, even his fiancée Susan, who tells him it is a sign of trust for him to tell her his code. George told Jerry that he would give him his code should Jerry find himself in a situation where some fast cash will save his life. Bosco also appears in “The Baby Shower”; it is all over a shirt that George’s past girlfriend stained. He confronts her about this at the baby shower.
- Bosco's business style appears to be based around overcharging for any item so he can afford his elaborate high-tech, homemade security systems, as well as selling his personal brand of "BoscoTech equipment", which are generally rudimentary at best, but cost extraordinary amounts of money (like a hundred million dollars for a "Truth Serum" - which turns out to be a bottle of Vodka). Throughout Season One, his paranoia causes him to dress up as different people (such as an English man, a French man, a Russian man, and even his own mother). These disguises usually involve nothing more than Bosco wearing a hat or make-up. He still wears his ordinary clothes, and even his name tag saying his name.
- Carmelo Bosco was an innovative track team physiologist who discovered Hypergravity Training. He later went on to study using vibrating platforms to improve physical strength. This has resulted in what has to be one of the most egregious fitness equipment scams. If one digs up Bosco's papers it is obvious that he never thought that vibrating platforms were any good for weight loss for which they are quite unscrupulously now being promoted. However, he did find some interesting training effects. The Chinese train using little jumps, so maybe Bosco was onto something if a person exercises on a vibrating platform. It is probably just extreme exercise for the core muscles without having to do ballet.
- Her next, albeit cameo appearance, was in "Becky and the Bard". In said episode, she was Bob's date at a restaurant. This, combined with her more petite look and higher vocal range than Bob, gives the idea that she is, in fact, female. Her next cameo appearance was a brief moment in the beginning of "Kids Action News". Bosco cameos as Tea Pot the Weather-Monkey, who gives the weather every day on Action News at Noon. For this role she wears a cheery yellow outfit. However, she was not shown in the rest of this episode, due to Bob taking over the role of Weather-Monkey for the day.