Following the Warsong clan's initiation of their logging operations in southern Ashenvale, the Night Elf Sentinels launched a massive counterattack to drive the Orcs out. The Warsong clan had even attracted the attention of the ancient, reclusive demigod, Cenarius, who personally took command of the Night Elf forces moving against them. Cenarius wiped out all of the Orcs' outposts before sending his forces against Hellscream's main base. After barely managing to repel several savage attacks by the Sentinels, defeat for the Orcs seemed imminent. The Shamans and Witch Doctors under Hellscream's command then sensed a powerful energy emanating from the woods, which turned out to be a well fouled with the Blood of Mannoroth. After defeating the satyrs guarding the befouled well, Hellscream, des
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| - Following the Warsong clan's initiation of their logging operations in southern Ashenvale, the Night Elf Sentinels launched a massive counterattack to drive the Orcs out. The Warsong clan had even attracted the attention of the ancient, reclusive demigod, Cenarius, who personally took command of the Night Elf forces moving against them. Cenarius wiped out all of the Orcs' outposts before sending his forces against Hellscream's main base. After barely managing to repel several savage attacks by the Sentinels, defeat for the Orcs seemed imminent. The Shamans and Witch Doctors under Hellscream's command then sensed a powerful energy emanating from the woods, which turned out to be a well fouled with the Blood of Mannoroth. After defeating the satyrs guarding the befouled well, Hellscream, des
| - *Sentinels
- *Horde
**Orcish Horde
***Warsong Clan
**Darkspear Tribe
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| - *Heavy
- *Cenarius
*Very Heavy
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| - *Chieftain
- *Demigod †
| - Horde victory
*Cenarius is slain
*Warsong Clan turns into Chaos orcs
*Burning Legion regains control of the Warsong Clan
*Darkspear Trolls imprisoned by the Warsong Clan
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| - *1 Blademaster
*Fel Orc Grunts
*Troll Headhunters
*Fel Orc Raiders
*Orc Shamans/Fel Orc Warlocks
*Troll Witch Doctors
*Kodo Beasts
*Orc Catapults
- *1 Demigod
*Hippogryph Riders
*Night Elf Ballistae
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| - Following the Warsong clan's initiation of their logging operations in southern Ashenvale, the Night Elf Sentinels launched a massive counterattack to drive the Orcs out. The Warsong clan had even attracted the attention of the ancient, reclusive demigod, Cenarius, who personally took command of the Night Elf forces moving against them. Cenarius wiped out all of the Orcs' outposts before sending his forces against Hellscream's main base. After barely managing to repel several savage attacks by the Sentinels, defeat for the Orcs seemed imminent. The Shamans and Witch Doctors under Hellscream's command then sensed a powerful energy emanating from the woods, which turned out to be a well fouled with the Blood of Mannoroth. After defeating the satyrs guarding the befouled well, Hellscream, despite everything Thrall had taught him, gave himself over to the demonic corruption. The Warsong Clan drank the blood and became Fel Orcs imbued with a bloodlust and demonic powers. With these new powers, the Orcs easily overcame the Sentinels and slew Cenarius, forcing the Night Elves to retreat back into the depths of the forests. Hellscream's sense of victory was short lived however. Mannoroth appeared before him and declared that the Orcs would serve the Burning Legion once again, despite Hellscream's feeble protests that they were "free".
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