Hitler Sends Göring to Africa is a parody series originally started by Dumb Fish Parodies. The entire first season was created by him, as was the first episode of season two. Upon his retirement, he opened up the Hitler Sends Göring to Africa series to become a community effort. This began with Superdumpfback creating Season 2: Episode 2. Later, Sonic7emerald made the third episode of the second season. Gilblitz112 made the fourth episode of the second season, while TraitorLoxoz made the fifth episode (which concludes the season). HitlersWaffles (then known as TheOwl18) was originally going to do episode 5, but YouTube shut his account down and he lost the files for the episode. This resulted in TraitorLoxoz having to make the 5th episode, facing many setbacks while making it.
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| - Hitler Sends Göring to Africa
| - Hitler Sends Göring to Africa is a parody series originally started by Dumb Fish Parodies. The entire first season was created by him, as was the first episode of season two. Upon his retirement, he opened up the Hitler Sends Göring to Africa series to become a community effort. This began with Superdumpfback creating Season 2: Episode 2. Later, Sonic7emerald made the third episode of the second season. Gilblitz112 made the fourth episode of the second season, while TraitorLoxoz made the fifth episode (which concludes the season). HitlersWaffles (then known as TheOwl18) was originally going to do episode 5, but YouTube shut his account down and he lost the files for the episode. This resulted in TraitorLoxoz having to make the 5th episode, facing many setbacks while making it.
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| - Ongoing, Seasons 1 and 2 completed
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| - Thumbnail for all episodes of Season 3
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| - Dumb Fish Parodies , Various Untergangers
unterganger awards
| - August 2016
- April and July 2016
| - Hitler Sends Göring to Africa is a parody series originally started by Dumb Fish Parodies. The entire first season was created by him, as was the first episode of season two. Upon his retirement, he opened up the Hitler Sends Göring to Africa series to become a community effort. This began with Superdumpfback creating Season 2: Episode 2. Later, Sonic7emerald made the third episode of the second season. Gilblitz112 made the fourth episode of the second season, while TraitorLoxoz made the fifth episode (which concludes the season). HitlersWaffles (then known as TheOwl18) was originally going to do episode 5, but YouTube shut his account down and he lost the files for the episode. This resulted in TraitorLoxoz having to make the 5th episode, facing many setbacks while making it. A third season is currently being produced, with the first two episodes being made by Gb. Alexander. The third episode was made by Beom Jun Koo. However, some of the previous contributors to the series, Alexander included, have expressed their disappointment at the episode, leading to it being retconned. The episode will be remade by Thunderbirds360TV, who was chosen by Superdumpfback.