| - Most near-Attar shared close external similarities to the Attar, usually with small differences in skin and eye color or bone structure. Biologically, many near-Attar were capable of interbreeding with baseline Attar, although for most species, this was taboo. Some were close enough to the Attar baseline to be considered a race or ethnic group of Attar, rather than a separate species, although baseline Attar still considered them as such.
| - Most near-Attar shared close external similarities to the Attar, usually with small differences in skin and eye color or bone structure. Biologically, many near-Attar were capable of interbreeding with baseline Attar, although for most species, this was taboo. Some were close enough to the Attar baseline to be considered a race or ethnic group of Attar, rather than a separate species, although baseline Attar still considered them as such. Near-Attar were believed to have descended from the Attar species after the Attar began expanding rapidly across the galaxy, and began adapting and developing separately on various worlds via natural mutation. While most near-Attar are able to procreate with other near-Attar, some near-Attar species, like the Sanyr'c, are biologically distinct enough from their ancestry and adaptable enough to cross-breed with non-Attar species, such as the Attaroid species Tellus.