A merciless, polluting parasite. So foul even his fellow Seacons avoid him. Leaves a trail of grease and toxic chamicals wherevr he goes. Able to absorb fuel through the hull of any ship. In robot mode, equipped with dual crustation rifles that encase and immobilize the enemy with hard, sticky scales. Serrated, razor-sharp jaws are able to cut through any substance. In weapons mode, transforms into twin-barrelled corrosive slime-shooter. Combines with fellow to form Piranacon.
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| - A merciless, polluting parasite. So foul even his fellow Seacons avoid him. Leaves a trail of grease and toxic chamicals wherevr he goes. Able to absorb fuel through the hull of any ship. In robot mode, equipped with dual crustation rifles that encase and immobilize the enemy with hard, sticky scales. Serrated, razor-sharp jaws are able to cut through any substance. In weapons mode, transforms into twin-barrelled corrosive slime-shooter. Combines with fellow to form Piranacon.
- Skalor stinks, and that's not so much an insult as it is a declaration of fact. Skalor suffers from what humans would call a "glandular problem": small amounts of odiferous lubricants and liquids seep out through his joints and pollute the environment with his putrid stench. While his fellow Decepticons have pleaded with him repeatedly to have his noxious ailment looked at by a professional, Skalor just shrugs their gasping cries off with a "Not my problem". Skalor can combine with his fellow Seacons to form Piranacon. French name (Canada): Écailleur
- In creature mode, Skalor operates equally well on land or at sea. He can clamp his vacuum-suction mouth onto most ships and, by piercing their hulls with his diamond-tipped teeth, suck the fuel from them. A snap of his turbo-powered jaws can cut through any substance. His maximum swimming speed is 35 knots. His underwater range is 4,000 miles. His heavy armor allows him to function at any depth. In creature and robot modes he wields two crustation rifles, which encase and immobilize anything they hit with a stream of hard, sticky scales. One rifle shoots the scales, the other shoots a viscous adhesive that glues the scales to their target. In weapons mode, Skalor transforms into a twin-barrelled corrosive slime-shooter able to be fired from ports of Quintesson attack ships.
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| - In creature mode, Skalor operates equally well on land or at sea. He can clamp his vacuum-suction mouth onto most ships and, by piercing their hulls with his diamond-tipped teeth, suck the fuel from them. A snap of his turbo-powered jaws can cut through any substance. His maximum swimming speed is 35 knots. His underwater range is 4,000 miles. His heavy armor allows him to function at any depth. In creature and robot modes he wields two crustation rifles, which encase and immobilize anything they hit with a stream of hard, sticky scales. One rifle shoots the scales, the other shoots a viscous adhesive that glues the scales to their target. In weapons mode, Skalor transforms into a twin-barrelled corrosive slime-shooter able to be fired from ports of Quintesson attack ships. As a result of his leakage problems and generally poor self-maintenance, Skalor is prone to minor but frequent breakdowns. All are the result of low internal fluid levels. He sometimes overheats, suffers from locked joints and strips his own gears, for example. Occasionally he becomes immobilized at the bottom of a deep ocean and must be fished out by his fellow Seacons, with whom he can combine to form Piranacon.
- A merciless, polluting parasite. So foul even his fellow Seacons avoid him. Leaves a trail of grease and toxic chamicals wherevr he goes. Able to absorb fuel through the hull of any ship. In robot mode, equipped with dual crustation rifles that encase and immobilize the enemy with hard, sticky scales. Serrated, razor-sharp jaws are able to cut through any substance. In weapons mode, transforms into twin-barrelled corrosive slime-shooter. Combines with fellow to form Piranacon.
- Skalor stinks, and that's not so much an insult as it is a declaration of fact. Skalor suffers from what humans would call a "glandular problem": small amounts of odiferous lubricants and liquids seep out through his joints and pollute the environment with his putrid stench. While his fellow Decepticons have pleaded with him repeatedly to have his noxious ailment looked at by a professional, Skalor just shrugs their gasping cries off with a "Not my problem". Skalor can combine with his fellow Seacons to form Piranacon. French name (Canada): Écailleur
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