| - In Oracle of Seasons, Link is given a Gasha Seed from Mayor Ruul when he first arrives in Horon Village. They can also be found inside chests, be bought in shops or found on top of both the female and male Maku Trees. File:Gasha Tree without Nut.gif When Link finds a spot of soft soil, he can plant a Gasha Seed in it, if a Seed has not been planted in it already. Spots of soft soil can be found all over Labrynna and Holodrum, sometimes in plain sight, but also beneath rocks and hidden under earth. When a Gasha Seed has been planted, it eventually grows a Gasha Nut once Link defeats at least 40 enemies afterwards. Some actions, like uncovering hidden stairwells, killing large amounts of enemies, helping people out, and using the Gasha Ring causes Gasha Trees to mature quickly. Items that can be found inside Gasha Nuts are Seed Rings, Rupees, fairies, Magic Potions and a Piece of Heart.