Babykhan (Japanese: ??? ???) is a Normal-type Baby Pokémon created by Ryushusupercat for Pokémon Solstice and Equinox. It evolves into Kangaskhan starting at level 28 if it is female, and into Gengisupial starting at level 28 if it is male.
Babykhan (Japanese: ??? ???) is a Normal-type Baby Pokémon created by Ryushusupercat for Pokémon Solstice and Equinox. It evolves into Kangaskhan starting at level 28 if it is female, and into Gengisupial starting at level 28 if it is male.
Babykhan (Japanese: ??? ???) is a Normal-type Baby Pokémon created by Ryushusupercat for Pokémon Solstice and Equinox. It evolves into Kangaskhan starting at level 28 if it is female, and into Gengisupial starting at level 28 if it is male.