- Socks is a guild made up of a few close friends. Admission into Socks is by invitation only, and the only requirements we have are that at least one of our members knows you well, and that you are looking for some relaxing fun while playing Dofus.
- Kara Thrace is a middle aged adult female police comissioner at 42.0 years old of tall height and a very slender build at 5'10" tall and 105.0 lbs. She is a citizen with virtues of curiosity and openness.
- Socks are not normally considered objects of fetishist desire, but a recent study showed that Stephen Colbert's socks are a major turn on for some of the fangirlies (see picture at left). Particularly dress socks in which are typically exposed when Stephen Colbert sits down for an interview.
- "Socks" is a very short song sung by Stormtrooper Baljeet in Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars. It is sung to the tune of The Imperial March.
- Socks is a black tom with a white muzzle, paws, and tail-tip.
- Prior to departing from the planet where Q'ell lived, Charles Tucker gave the young boy a parting gift, a PADD containing the schematics for the Enterprise, adding, "you said you like to look at starships. This one'll knock your socks off." (ENT: "Marauders") The Andorian Shran was wearing dark socks while treated by the Aenar in their underground city. (ENT: "The Aenar") Doctor Paul Stubbs was wearing green wool socks when relaxing in his quarters aboard the Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Evolution" ) Lieutenant Worf wore brown wool socks during his paralysis in 2368. (TNG: "Ethics" )
- On Harry Potter's tenth birthday in 1990, he was given a pair of Vernon Dursley's old socks, and a coat hanger. On Hallowe'en 1991, when Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley went to search for Hermione Granger to save her from the mountain troll that had been let into Hogwarts, Harry detected an odour that smelled like "a mixture of old socks and the kind of public toilet no one seems to clean." The Dursleys often give Harry socks as birthday and Christmas gifts. One of the socks Harry was given held his sneakoscope.
- Socks are worn to protect the feet, keep them clean or keep them warm. Socks also protect feet from blisters from where shoes can rub. And socks provide a protective liner that can absorb sweat or other dirt from feet and be easily washes, so that the interior of the shoes remain cleaner. When socks are dry and clean, they help keep feet from developing health problems like athlete's foot. But damp, dirty socks exacerbate those conditions.
- Socks themselves were not, in fact, upon our planet until the mid- to late-1500s, when it suddenly became fashionable to be constantly in danger. In order to placate the socks into being worn, one must stuff their throats. That sliding down your leg? That is them trying to get your foot out of their mouth. Similar to your girlfriend trying to get your dick out of her mouth, but much deadlier. You see, if they managed to escape, they would suck the bones straight out of your toes, shortly followed by the rest of your bones going through the very tiny openings, which I’ve heard is quite painful.
- Today, there are few items which embody the craft of knitting quite like the sock. Along with a few other projects, such as Sweaters and Scarves, the sock represents an iconic example of the knitted garment. Perhaps this is because of the long history of the sock, dating back as far as 200AD where samples were found in Syria. Whatever the case, the sock is a project which most knitters will attempt to tackle at some point in their lives.