| - A Plot has been made, but will not be revealed at this time.
- Spider-Man: Phantasm is an upcoming Direct-To-Video Fan Film by (Animator In Training), Stephen Cooke. Inspired by the Success of Dan Poole's 1994 Fan Made Video, The Green Goblin's Last Stand, The (Fan Made) Film will be released to Video Cassette, November 10th, 2017. It was originally supposed to be released December 30th, 2016, but it was delayed. The Storyboard Adaptations, conflicting the scenes of the Film, will begin, (very late) October, 2016, and Filming will begin, sometime in Febuary of 2017. The Film is supposed to be filmed in San Francisco. A DVD Release will be out, the week before Christmas of the same Year. 2 Different Versions of The Scriptment, with a Different Villain in both, are being written. The Film is supposed to be 3 Hours. The Trailer will be out this Thanksgiv
| - A Plot has been made, but will not be revealed at this time.
- Spider-Man: Phantasm is an upcoming Direct-To-Video Fan Film by (Animator In Training), Stephen Cooke. Inspired by the Success of Dan Poole's 1994 Fan Made Video, The Green Goblin's Last Stand, The (Fan Made) Film will be released to Video Cassette, November 10th, 2017. It was originally supposed to be released December 30th, 2016, but it was delayed. The Storyboard Adaptations, conflicting the scenes of the Film, will begin, (very late) October, 2016, and Filming will begin, sometime in Febuary of 2017. The Film is supposed to be filmed in San Francisco. A DVD Release will be out, the week before Christmas of the same Year. 2 Different Versions of The Scriptment, with a Different Villain in both, are being written. The Film is supposed to be 3 Hours. The Trailer will be out this Thanksgiving.