The Retributionists are a loyal Space Marine Chapter descended from the lineage of the stalwart Imperial Fists. Created during the Third Founding, the Retributionists were originally known as the Alabaster Fists and were primarily formed to aid in securing supply routes for allied chapters during crusades. After an ambush was carried out against the chapter by chaos forces and almost all of the chapter was lost, the Alabaster Fists renamed themselves the Retributionists, and vowed to repay the slaughter of their brethren tenfold. Since then, the Retributionists have taken part in countless crusades and campaigns, among even more of their specialized incursions. The chapter is known for their unimaginable cruelty towards forces of chaos, and the unique silence of some of their brethren rare
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| - The Retributionists are a loyal Space Marine Chapter descended from the lineage of the stalwart Imperial Fists. Created during the Third Founding, the Retributionists were originally known as the Alabaster Fists and were primarily formed to aid in securing supply routes for allied chapters during crusades. After an ambush was carried out against the chapter by chaos forces and almost all of the chapter was lost, the Alabaster Fists renamed themselves the Retributionists, and vowed to repay the slaughter of their brethren tenfold. Since then, the Retributionists have taken part in countless crusades and campaigns, among even more of their specialized incursions. The chapter is known for their unimaginable cruelty towards forces of chaos, and the unique silence of some of their brethren rare
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| - The Retributionists are a loyal Space Marine Chapter descended from the lineage of the stalwart Imperial Fists. Created during the Third Founding, the Retributionists were originally known as the Alabaster Fists and were primarily formed to aid in securing supply routes for allied chapters during crusades. After an ambush was carried out against the chapter by chaos forces and almost all of the chapter was lost, the Alabaster Fists renamed themselves the Retributionists, and vowed to repay the slaughter of their brethren tenfold. Since then, the Retributionists have taken part in countless crusades and campaigns, among even more of their specialized incursions. The chapter is known for their unimaginable cruelty towards forces of chaos, and the unique silence of some of their brethren rarely ever broken.