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- Unknown is a mission featuring in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. It is the penultimate mission of the game, before the finale, Evacuation.
- This page is a placeholder for a link that is mandatory for something such as a template, with a value which is unknown. Please do not delete this page or edit its contents, to keep us from having unnecessary redlinks because of a broken template.
- Unknown is a race of creature shared between each of the 5 civilizations. It initially only featured only on multicolored cards, save for Codename James.
- Unknown (real name Saeran Choi), is the main antagonist of the story lines in the events of Mystic Messenger. He is the twin brother of Saeyoung Choi. During visual novel sequences, his name is displayed as three question marks (???).
- Unknown is the opposite of known.[citation needed] It is known for being unknown, as usual, and unknown people are commonly referred to as misfits or unpopular people (since no one could care to think up a better name).
- The Unknown god has never been seen in any manifestation so far as is known. It is refered to as "He who should not be named." [1] Followers, who may be of only Entropic alignment, are said to be perpetually happy.
- Unknown (jap.アンノウン An'nōn, auch Point W oder F-Zone genannt) ist die Final Zone in Sonic Rush. Man kämpft auf dabei auf der Außenseite der Zone Dead Line gegen den Endboss Egg King.
- Stages with unknown locations tend to be of a similar nature, or else, in the case of at least one Street Fighter IV, is not a static stage (e.g. a cruise ship).
- Unknown is a huge faggot to thoes who have had bad encounters with this rare animal.
- Unknown is a 2011 German-French-British-American psychological thriller film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, starring Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, January Jones, Aidan Quinn, Bruno Ganz, and Frank Langella. The film is based on the 2003 French novel published in English as Out of My Head, by Didier Van Cauwelaert.
- Unknown 「アンノウノ Desconocido?」 es un manga creado por Tsumuji Yoshimura en marzo de 2013.
- Episode One of the fifth series of Doctor Who.
- Unknown is the final boss enemy for the 2D section, Descent with Modification in Space Invaders Infinity Gene. It is made up of many entity's and has four forms. Its first form is when lines come out the bottom and end in squares, like Jolyne. In its second form make rotating squares appears and shoots a laser connecting to them, after it hits the final one it will target the player, after doing the same cycle twice it will then go around the screen shooting projectiles at the ship. In its third form it will rotate around the screen and shoot projectiles all around itself. Its final form will make a giant ball of energy which will be shoot at the player's ship, the player will need to shoot at it to send it back and defeat Unknown.
- Interprete Lanzamiento Apariciones Duración Álbum Anterior soundtrack Siguiente soundtrack Unknown es un soundtrack de Resident Evil 1.5 y era parte del album original de Resident Evil 2, pero no fue utilizado en la versión final del juego. Categoría:Soundtrack Categoría:Resident Evil 1.5 Categoría:Resident Evil 1.5 OST Categoría:Contenido eliminado
- A Unknown is a term within a debate which indicates that a character,weapon,team,and race aren't very known history or stats wise which means these characters can't be used in Death Battles.
- These are for cards whose artist is not mentioned and has not been revealed.
- Categoría:Personajes Unknown (アンノウン An'noun?) es un personaje ficticio de la saga de videojuegos Tekken, que apareció por primera vez en el videojuego Tekken Tag Tournament como el jefe final y no volvió a aparecer hasta la publicación de su videojuego secuela, Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Esté personaje todavia no tiene un argumento "canónico oficial" en la historia dentro de la saga Tekken.
- kira izuru
- This is list of Media that does not have a specific date mentioned.
* The Adventures of Captain Proton (This is a Holonoval on Star Trek: Voyager).
* Battlestar Galactica (2003) (This series reached Earth in middle of its fourth season, but so far there is no reference to what year it is).
* Galaxy Quest, the television series from within the movie Galaxy Quest.
* Spaceballs (This movie is parody of Star Wars, which would put the movie in the past, but also parodies the Planet of the Apes, which would put the movie in the future).
- Unknown (アンノウノ) is a manga written by YOSHIMURA Tsumuzi.
- File:Unknown the.gif Write the text of your article here!
- This is not a real episode File:Sonny-Cheater-Girls.jpg iMovie Sonny
- Unknown is a common word used by everyone here. It could mean anything: towns, gender, traits etc.
- The Unknown is an area outside of the Known World, it includes the rest of the world.
- On one version of the RuneScape world map, the "Unknown" is covered in clouds that hide the black areas around Gielinor.
- Atraída pelo poder manifesto na ressurreição de Kazuya Mishima, Unknown surgiu no torneio Tekken. Não se sabem seus objetivos ou sua origem, mas parece ter alguma relação com o clã dos Mishima. Ela é uma alma torturada e escravizada por uma entidade maligna chamada "Forest Demon" (Demônio da Floresta), que se manifesta junto ao corpo de Unknown quando ela luta. O demônio tem a forma de um lobisomem de aparência ameaçadora, mostrado apenas da cintura para cima, que controla os movimentos de Unknown como uma marionete. Unknown não fala ou vocaliza enquanto luta.
- The Unknown refers to the blank areas on the borders of Gielinor which are inaccessible and represent unexplored territory. Unknown space completely surrounds the World Map and essentially serves as the edge of the game world. Examples of the unknown include the southern border of Sophanem and the eastern border of the Mort Myre Swamp. The unknown can also be seen around the borders of a Player-owned house. It is coloured black, both on the world map and in-game.
- Unknown (アンノウン An'nōn?), also called F-Zone or Point-W on the Zone Map, is the eighth Zone in Sonic Rush, and the final Zone of both Sonic and Blaze's stories. It is the first final boss battle of the game, followed by Exception. The theme for Unknown is "Bomber Barbara". It serves as the stage containing the penultimate battle against Dr. Eggman or Doctor Eggman Nega in the Egg King.
- Since this cast member doesn't seen to have a nickname, we can refer to his as Unknown (at least for the time being).
- The quest is as of yet unknown because the contributor hasn't finish the quest yet. This is a stub for a NEED AN ANSWER HERE! please.
- Pradawne Miasto-Państwo skąd wywodzą się Dogmeat oraz Harold wszelkie informacje zostały pochłonięte przez czas, zaś Miasto zostało zatopione przez wędrującą pustynię, zaraz po Wielkiej Wojnie Pochodzili stamtąd:
* Dogmeat
* Harold Radioactiv III
* Cloneus
* Manior
* Zieloony
* Zdzisiu
* Unforgiven
- Unknown (アンノウン An'nōn?), znany również jako F-Zone lub Point-W – finałowy poziom w grze Sonic Rush. Składa się z walki z finałowym bossem gry: Egg Kingiem.
- Unknown is the lack of knowledge about something. Albus Dumbledore once remarked that the only thing a human being fears in death and darkness is the unknown. The Unknown is personified in the runic alphabet as an egg-shaped creature with four legs. It also looks like a faceless head (symbolic of its meaning). The Unknown is used in said alphabet to represent the number seven, given that the symbolic meaning of the number is yet to be discovered. The unknown is when one is scared and doesn't know what of.
- Unknown (アンノウン) is a character in The King of Fighters series. He was first introduced in The King of Fighters 2000. He is voiced by Akira Goto.
- Heavy mist shrouded the treetops, alight with the weak dusk moonlight. The fog was so thick that a cat could barely see their own paws before them. Let alone the glowing blue eyes of the cat, from just across the lake. The cat appeared to be hunched over something, his or her tail sweeping across it, like he or she didn't want any cat to see. Even if it was possible through the fog. Snappily, the cat's head darted around the clearing, scanning the area around them. With that, they disappeared into the bushes, silent as a snake weaving through grass. <><><><> Instantly they rushed to her side.
- (Please redit this list if adaptions are found and/or are made more widely available)
* The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays, the very first silent Oz movie made in 1908 which adapted The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Marvelous Land of Oz, Ozma of Oz, and John Dough and the Cherub and produced by L. Frank Baum himself through the Selig Polyscope Company.
* Selig Ployscope is also believed to have made Dorothy and the Scarecrow in Oz which was loosely based on Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, The Land of Oz which was loosely based on The Marvelous Land of Oz, and a re-release of John Dough and the Cherub after the The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910) was made based on film data from the era.
* An adaptation of The Marvelous Land of Oz entitled The Land of Oz (1932) that reportably featured th
- His face is god awful. Nothing I can do can change that. Everything I try just fails. He has a contorted, twisted face, a nose directly above his tongueless mouth, and a pair of blank, ominous eyes. His skin is pale, his hair is black and to his knees. His arms and legs are limply hanging from his body. It makes me sick that I can't do anything about that small, helpless being. It's disgusting, and I can bear no longer to stare at it. Staring into the mirror once again to reveal that retched body, a blood-tingling screech is let out as I thrust the blade through the mirror. That's what it deserves.
- Hallo. Mein Name ist Tim. Ich will jetzt nicht mit irgendwelchen Details gleich am Anfang hier reinstürmen, deswegen fange ich an. Es geht um ein Erlebnis, welches mein komplettes Leben für immer beeinflussen sollte. Ich hatte nie an Creepypastas geglaubt, das typische Insidergelaber, erfunden von irgendwelchen Hobbyautoren, die meinen, hier ihre erfundenen Schauermärchen in die Welt zu setzen, und dann den Leuten glaubhaft zu machen, das sei wirklich passiert. Nein.
- Unknown is a conspiracy action-thriller film released in 2011 and starring Liam Neeson, directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. Neeson plays botanist Dr Martin Harris, who brings his wife along to attend a biotechnology conference in Berlin. However, he gets into a car accident while riding the taxi back to the airport to pick up luggage he left behind. When he awakes in hospital, he leaves to find his wife. However, Liz denies knowing who Martin is...and another man is wearing Martin's name tag and claiming to be him is standing right next to her - and she acknowledges "Martin B" as the real deal. In a foreign land for the first time, pursued by mysterious terrorists and with nobody to trust, Harris must get all the help he can find, including from Gina (Diane Kruger) the driver of the cab that p
- <default>Unknown</default> Full Name Possibly Known as Also Known as Status Fighting Style Nationality Height Weight Eyes Hair Likes Dislikes Species Gender Birthday Age Blood Type Occupation Hobby Family Alignment Game Appearances Voice Actors This page is about the character. For the stage with the same name, click here.