| - In Japan, Optimus Prime is giving Kenji a tour of the Autobots' Japanese Subdivision. As Optimus explains, the Autobots are busy building sub-bases all over the world, masked by human-operated secret entrances such as parking garages. All the bases are connected by an underground highway called the Autobot Road, allowing the Autobots to get from one end of the planet to the other in no time flat. Optimus gives credit to the founder of the Autobot Road, Ultra Magnus, whom he announces is currently en route with new equipment for installation. Meanwhile, Tracks whispers to Kenji that Prime treats Magnus like his "kid brother", and much giggling ensues. Before they can giggle any longer, Ratchet reports a Decepticon disturbance in Yokohama.
| - In Japan, Optimus Prime is giving Kenji a tour of the Autobots' Japanese Subdivision. As Optimus explains, the Autobots are busy building sub-bases all over the world, masked by human-operated secret entrances such as parking garages. All the bases are connected by an underground highway called the Autobot Road, allowing the Autobots to get from one end of the planet to the other in no time flat. Optimus gives credit to the founder of the Autobot Road, Ultra Magnus, whom he announces is currently en route with new equipment for installation. Meanwhile, Tracks whispers to Kenji that Prime treats Magnus like his "kid brother", and much giggling ensues. Before they can giggle any longer, Ratchet reports a Decepticon disturbance in Yokohama. It is a disturbing disturbance indeed, as the Autobots stationed there are getting wrecked by Starscream, Blitzwing and Megatron in his newest form, the "Super Megatron Gun" (basically, his pistol mode, only not shrunken down to handheld size). The fight goes poorly, as Warpath gets crunched beneath Blitzwing's treads and Optimus Prime is blasted into uselessness as soon as he arrives on the scene. Things begin to look bad until City Commander Ultra Magnus arrives carrying Prime's trailer, full of equipment. Prime shakes off his injuries and helps Magnus fire their newest weapon, the Scramble Power Buster. The giant gun knocks Megatron back into robot mode, enraging him. Megatron orders Starscream and Blitzwing to transform to jet mode and defeat the Autobots from the sky. Starscream and Blitzwing destroy the Scramble Power Buster and divebomb the Autobots. Decepticon victory seems assured until Tracks and Kenji take to the skies. Blitzwing and Starscream follow Tracks, but the Autobot's superior maneuvering allows him to trick the pair of jets into crashing head-first into an unsuspecting Megatron. Seeing an opening, Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus get the last word in with their special move, the "Prime-Magnus Double Cross Kick". Kenji and the Autobots celebrate another victory as a mangled Warpath tries not to pass out.