| - Merchanter's Alliance was formed in 2353 at Pell Station, when merchanters banded together to defend Pell's independence from both Union and Earth Company. At the Battle of Pell, Signy Mallory and her ship Norway, were instrumental in defecting from the Mazianni to side with Union and drive them from the system. Rather than join Union, Norway instead became the first carrier in the militia of the newly formed Alliance. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- A team of ex-superheroes is forced to team with their arch-nemesis (who killed their mentor.) in order to fight a threat to big for any of them to handle alone . Ed Harris stars as Ion Garret.
- Alliancen er en av de to store politiske sammenslutningene for de dødelige rasene i Azeroth, hvis motstykke er Horden. thumb|Alliancens emblem
- 2 or 3 parties of adventurers can form one party called an alliance. All members of an alliance can attack the same enemies. It is mainly used to defeat very strong enemies that can't be defeated by one party of 6 adventurers. Minimum: 2 parties with 2 people (2 party leaders). Maximum: 3 parties with 18 people. Note: You can not make yourself party leader solo, so the minimum can only be achieved by forming and disbanding.
- The Alliance is one of the two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart being the Horde. It consists of Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Night Elves (and soon Draenei). The major cities of the Alliance are: Darnassus, Ironforge, Stormwind and also The Exodar, the ship the Draenei crash-landed onto Azeroth with. The language the races communicate on is Common. Here is a list of members and related articles on WoWRP.
- Une Alliance est un regroupement de plusieurs personnes, ou de plusieurs équipages dans un but commun.
- Alliance is the fifteenth book of the Morphers
- An alliance is a player-run group of corporations.
- An alliance is a formal political agreement between two flags. Alliances are usually formed for one or several reasons, including:
* mutual defense of islands in blockades
* coordinating blockades on other islands
* trade or shopkeeping agreement
* courting friendly relations with like minded flags Alliance webs can become very complex. Declarations of war are often difficult as war cannot be declared if the two flags have a common ally three levels out. This often leads to temporary dissolution of alliances to declare wars.
- Alliances are made of groups of StargateWars players that bond together to work in each other's mutual interests. Examples of major Alliances are Omega, Dirty Dozen, Tauri Alliance, and the EPA. There are also many minor Alliances made up of real world friends and players hoping to become the next "big thing".
- In CyberAirlines, people can join an alliance to work together to raise funds for the alliance. The alliance collects 10% of your earnings on each flight which can go towards buying airport slots or alliance improvements for all members. If the flight has negative earnings the alliance will absorb 10% of the loss. You also are given a fuel discount from 1%-10% which is determined by the General Manager(GM)/Vice General Manager(Vice GM).
- An Alliance is a mutual non-aggression agreement between two wizards as well as an agreement to help each other out in case of a War involving one of the wizards. Any player, human or AI, can propose this treaty to another, unless there is a War ongoing between the two players. However, unless the offer was made between two AI players, the other party has to accept the offer for the treaty to form.
- Alliances were a planned feature for the game as part of the system when war was implemented. This never came to fruition - war was scrapped for the current version of Particracy, but the Alliances tab still contains a couple of alliances made simply as test data. Alliances and similiar pacts are often implented in roleplay as treaties - alliances and pacts made in this manner include:
* Allied Nations
* Anti-Likatonia Defensive Treaty
* Artanian Alliance
* North Selayan Military Co-Operation Treaty
* Pax Deltársko
* Union Française
* United Countries
- An Alliance is a group of armies that are in a peace pact/treaty. There are not many alliances in the CP Army World, because of all the armies constantly trying to defeat each other. Alliances help multiple armies achieve their goals, because of their size. Some disadvantages include the point that "Nobody is the Dictator".
- In this mode, three teams of two competed against each other in a cyclical manner, in order to gain the most points and emerge victorious. Typically, Alliance sessions lasted 10 minutes, which were split into two rounds, similar to that of Manhunt.
- Une Alliance est composée de joueurs. Ces groupes permettent entraide, commerce à taux préférentiel, et même bien plus : c'est une communauté qui, lorsqu'elle est bien administrée, peut être redoutable.
- An alliance is an agreement between two or more people or nations to work together in mutual or practical cooperation. Throughout the many ages of Middle-earth, several alliances have been made between Elves, Dwarves, and Men some of which have been fractious at times or withdrawn. One such example is the alliance between Rohan and Gondor sublimated by the Oath of Eorl.
- An alliance is a group of people loyal to each other in the game of Survivor. These mini social groups strategize together to manipulate the outcome of the upcoming Tribal Council and eventually the endgame.
- a union or association formed for mutual benefit, esp. between countries or organizations.
- An alliance is a treaty or agreement formed between two or more parties for mutual benefit.
- Als in Random Kingdom Endless Saga das Omega-Imperium, eine Supermacht aus der Zukunft, versuchte, die Erde zu besetzen, schlossen sich die Nationen der Erde zur Global Defense Alliance zusammen. Der GDA gelang es, Omega's Superwaffe, eine Lebensform aus viralen Naniten und unbekannten Partikeln, mit Atomwaffen unbrauchbar zu machen. Einige Teile des Wesens überlebten und wurden von der GDA mit allen bekannten Mitteln hinter Magnetfeldern und meterdicken Bleiwänden versiegelt. Seit dem sind 1000 Jahre vergangen, und die Erde, die durch den Krieg in eine tote Wüste verwandelt wurde, wird noch immer von der militärischen Organisation beherrscht, die über die einzige Technologie verfügt.
- In general terms, an alliance is an agreement/friendship between two or more teams/persons, created to reach common goals.
- The Alliance is an independent faction working in and around the Koprulu Sector. Although it is primarily a terran organization, some protoss can be found within its ranks as well; and indeed, it maintains links with the protoss government.
- Early notes put the Alliance at an estimated 900 billion people, living on 30 homeworlds and on 80 colonies.
- Alliance (Liittouma) on toinen pelin pelattavista sodan osapuolista, joka taistelee Hordea vastaan. Allianceen kuuluvat rodut ovat Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf ja Draenei. Uutena rotuna Cataclysmin tultua Worgen
- The word alliance has two definitions in OGame. An official alliance of players, or the alliance of two official alliances with each other.
- Alliance was born when our first leader "Lvso" was level 15, first members were Incarnaam players and some are still with us. We are more than just a list, we help each other when needed and we do a lot of things together =)
- The Alliance is one of two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart being the Horde. The Alliance consists of powerful cultures and groups bound not by desperation or necessity, but by their deep commitments to abstract concepts like nobility and honor.
- An Alliance is a close association of nations or other groups, formed to advance common interests or causes. Creating an Alliance requires that you have a Level 2 Embassy, along with 10,000 Gold.
- thumb Alliancen er den ene af de 2 grupper samlede racer. Den anden er Horde. Denne med Gnomer, Mennesker, Dværge, Nat elvere og Draeneis.
- thumb|195px Alliance est un village du centre de l'Alberta, située à 160 km à l'est de Red Deer, sur la Veteran Memorial Highway. Battle River s'écoule au sud du village, et le CNR traverse le village.
- An alliance is a formal linkage founded by one player and able to be joined by other players.
- The Alliance is a group of people with special gifts who have banded together to defeat the Stompers. There are currently 4½ members. The other 6 were captured and killed by the Stompers.
- The Alliance was the result of the combination of Mirage, Crest, and elements of Kisaragi in response to the wide-spread devastation caused by the Unmanned Suicide Weapons.
- Alliances are pacts of guilds bounded together formed by the guild leaders of guilds who share similar interests in game. Some benefits to being in an Alliance include access to the Alliance chat, defending any Perceptor of any guild in the same Alliance and access to experience and drop bonuses when fighting in areas controlled by the Alliance.
- After an alliance has been created, the Captain and Vice Captain have the ability to move people from one group to another to organize them. The Check Readiness button allows Captains or Vice Captains to check that all alliance members are ready to proceed. A message is sent when the button is activated that is seen by all members, who have 30 seconds to respond. As players answer, they are checked off in the alliance window.
- The main idea of alliances is to work together to create Solar Rails for the Dark Sectors. By having an alliance it's easier for small clans to compete against big clans.
- An alliance is when two or more contestants join forces in order to vote someone off, or get farther in the competition with teamwork. Throughout the show, many alliances have been formed, and few have succeeded.
- Alliance is the one hundred twelfth issue of the series.
- An Alliance is a collection of Agencies that come together to try and win the Campaign mode that is offered in Global Agenda. It is not yet clear what impact this will have on the specific Agencies or their Agents. Check out the Global Agenda forums for further speculation.
- It served as the flagship of Chief-of-state Luke Skywalker during the battle of Praesitlyn in 65 ABY, where it was destroyed by the Sith fleet.
- An Alliance is an agreement between only two or three clans to work together and be a bigger team in combat, skilling, clan events and other community areas. There is a difference between an Alliance and Union contrary to beliefs.
- Alliance aka. ally er en samling af spillere der har valgt at gå sammen i en gruppe. Den generelle holdning i en alliance er at man støtter hinanden d.v.s at man sender ressourcer hvis et medlem er i nød og man går i krig sammen. Derudover kan man også holde ved et medlems planet for at lave en ninja. Dette er dog forskelligt fra alliance til alliance.
- An alliance is a group of nations (players) working together in a scenario. In most scenarios, the alliances are called the "Axis" and "Allies" but they could be anything. In free for all scenarios, each nation is assigned its own alliance or no alliance at all. Since_triplea_version_1.3.3.0 it is preferred to use relationships instead of alliances. If relationships are set, then alliances will only matter for the stats panel and any game option type victory conditions.
- The Alliance refers to the alliance formed between the Explorers, the Cygnus Knights, the Resistance and the Heroes formed by Cygnus to prepare for the oncoming threat of the Black Mage and the Black Wings. The alliance was introduced during the Advance of the Union update. Every Mapler who is a part of one of these organizations will receive the medal A Member of The Maple Alliance, which is proof that they're part of the Alliance, and a skill, Will of the Alliance.
- No official alliances or truces exist in the game, although players often form unofficial treaties to safeguard themselves from attacks while they concentrate their forces elsewhere, or to eliminate a player who has grown too strong. There are no rules protecting these agreements, and therefore these agreements are often broken. Alliance making/breaking can be one of the most important elements of the game, and it adds human interaction to a decidedly probabilistic game.
- The Alliance was an interstellar coalition in an alternate timeline where Montgomery Scott rescued James T. Kirk before he could be absorbed into the Nexus. The Alliance was that timeline's counterpart to the United Federation of Planets, but was markedly different in nature. Whereas the Federation was mutually cooperative, the Alliance was founded and maintained merely to jointly combat the threat of the Borg, and not all species were dedicated to the collaboration.
- An Alliance is when two or more nations are allied for a common goal. Unlike Peace, nations in an alliance can construct buildings within allied nations' territory and have military units traverse without suffering attrition. If nations are granted to freely make and break alliances, computer-controlled nations will often demand a specific amount of a particular resource (such as oil and metal) to continue the alliance. If not, it is possible to demand and send resources to CPU nations.
- Alliances are player created and maintained and function almost completely outside of the game mechanics (excepting the Alliances statistics screen). They are primarily defense (and sometimes aggression) pacts between nations. Any player may ask to join any alliance, but it is up to the individual alliances who they admit. Many of the player created alliances attempt to gain "control" over particular teams, but not all. This gives the various alliances a color identity and an opportunity to gain population happiness by trading with one another in the game. Single color alliances also have the ability to gain Senate seats on their team, giving special bonuses to their top nations. Most teams have multiple alliances within them.
- An alliance (AKA a guild/clan/outfit) is a function where members can work together as a group. Initially, up to 15 players may be held in an alliance. More positions can be unlocked once the alliance has reached certain ranks (see below). Some of the benefits of alliances include:
* Ability to request additional reinforcements when fighting Archwitches
* Alliance Hall Bonuses
* Goddess Worship To create an alliance, you must have a Level 3 Castle and an Alliance Hall. The name of the alliance can be changed by the Alliance Leader from the Management section.
- In general, three types of global government structures, short of a unified world state, are possible: alliance, confederation and federation. The least defined of these is the alliance of which both the Axis and the United Nations are typical. In alliances there are practically no permanent common organs for policymaking and administration. Decisions are made by conferences of heads of national governments or their representatives and by consultations of general staffs. During emergencies coordination of supplies may take place. Alliances tend to disintegrate after the emergencies have passed, when suspicion of motives between the allies rises to the surface and considerations of national interest outweigh the artificial unity created and held together by fear of a common danger. Lack of
- Une Alliance est un groupe de guildes qui se sont réunies ensembles. Il peut y avoir jusqu'à 10 guildes dans une meme alliance et chaque membre de guilde peut se rendre au hall de guilde d'une autre guilde et communiquer avec les autres en utilisant le canal d'alliance dans l'interface de discussion.
- By researching Alliances the option becomes available to ally with other races through the diplomacy screen. This is a useful technology, and one you should spread as widely as possible. Why? Simple - the more races with the potential to have alliances, the more likely they are to be dragged into war and thus weakened. So as long as you can stay out of the battles, you'll be the victor in the long run. Note: No longer seem to be true in Twilight. If you get to "Close" relations, regardless of relation factors, an alliance can be made.
- The Alliance is an organization formed by Anatoray and Disith to overthrow the Guild. After becoming Empress of Anatoray, Sophia Forrester proposes peace with Disith so they can unite against their common enemy, Maestro Delphine of the Guild. The Alliance combines a large force of Anatoray warships and Disith warships into a single fleet, which Sophia commands from the Silvana. She also begins recruiting as many vanship pilots as possible. At Horizon Cave, former couriers and racers practice making torpedo runs against the remains of an old Guild Battle Ship, stolen years ago by Marius Bassianus.
- Alliances are key for survival in Travian as you can team up with other players to defeat other players or ask for assistance in battle if you are getting attacked. You need to be in an alliance as soon as possible as high-ranked players can easily destroy you without losing much. To create an alliance you need an embassy at level 3, whereas to join an alliance you only need embassy level 1. When joining an alliance, many alliances will request that you use skype, or other instant messaging services. This allows alliance members to chat more freely amongst themselves.
- "Show off." I turn around. "Like you could do better." "As a matter of fact, I could." A tortoiseshell she-cat saunters towards me, her enhanced claws clacking on the smooth floor. A strip of leather is lashed across her face, hiding all but her crackling gray eyes, like thunderstorms are being held captive in her irises. "We're parabatai, Britt," I counter. "You can only do as well as me in anything." I frown at her and look at the wall of the training room. "No windows," I comment. "I lost track of time." I'm breathing hard, my words punctuated by gasps as I suck in oxygen. "Like us?" I suggest.
- Some examples of political alliances include:
* A nation-state on an planet encountered by Enterprise NX-01 in 2152. (ENT: "The Communicator")
* A cadre on Turkana IV known as the Turkana IV Alliance. (TNG: "Legacy" )
* The European Alliance on Earth, a nation-state. (TNG: "The Price" ) In addition, a number of military alliances were formed, including: