| - Major Jack 'Fifty' Hansen (April 5, 2511- November 3, 2552) was a SPARTAN-II supersoldier of the UNSC Navy's Special Warfare Command, and later an ODST officer in the Marine Corps. Known in the SPARTAN program as Jack-050, or, in informal settings, simply as Fifty, he was abducted in childhood by the Office of Naval Intelligence and inducted into the SPARTAN-II program, the purpose of which was to produce a special operations force through indoctrination, training and biological enhancement of genetically superior individuals. As one of the thirty three SPARTANs to survive augmentations unharmed, 050 served as part of the UNSC's most capable, highly trained special forces unit. Though the program was initially conceived with the ongoing insurrection of the outer colonies in mind, 050 and h
| - Major Jack 'Fifty' Hansen (April 5, 2511- November 3, 2552) was a SPARTAN-II supersoldier of the UNSC Navy's Special Warfare Command, and later an ODST officer in the Marine Corps. Known in the SPARTAN program as Jack-050, or, in informal settings, simply as Fifty, he was abducted in childhood by the Office of Naval Intelligence and inducted into the SPARTAN-II program, the purpose of which was to produce a special operations force through indoctrination, training and biological enhancement of genetically superior individuals. As one of the thirty three SPARTANs to survive augmentations unharmed, 050 served as part of the UNSC's most capable, highly trained special forces unit. Though the program was initially conceived with the ongoing insurrection of the outer colonies in mind, 050 and his peers would be put to greatest use during the Human-Covenant War. In combat with the Covenant, a collective of numerically, technologically and generally physically superior species, the SPARTANs could attain a level of success unimaginable for regular Army and Marine units, solely as a result of their unique skill, strength and equipment. SPARTAN-050 participated in over 140 separate battles and campaigns during his career, against both Human terrorists and the Covenant, and was one of the UNSC's most decorated and experienced servicemen. 050 fought at some of the war's most infamous battlegrounds, including Earth, Orchid IV, Bellerophon, Reach, and Miridem; it was at the latter that he was seriously wounded by a plasma mortar. 050 was CASEVAC'd by Marines of the 103rd Marine Regiment to the destroyer UNSC Sheffield, but ultimately lost both legs and suffered extensive plasma burns. 050 underwent over a year of rehabilitation and training using prosthetic limbs provided under Project THERMOPYLAE, however this was not enough to convince his superiors that he was fit to return to active service. SPARTAN-050 was transferred to the highly secret SPARTAN-III program on Onyx, where he served as an instructor for Gamma Company, the next generation of supersoldiers. Deeply unhappy in this role, he was regarded as unduly harsh on Gamma Company's recruits, partly in frustration at his non-combat role and partly because due to his hatred of the S-III program itself for, in his mind, desecration of what it meant to be a SPARTAN. 050 was moved on from Onyx after Kurt-051 convinced his superiors that his presence was superfluous to requirements, to the junior SPARTAN's delight. This was mutually beneficial; Kurt was unconvinced that 050's bitter and harsh temperament was for the benefit of the recruits, and was concerned that he was having a detrimental effect on the young trainees' wellbeing. Unable to return to service with his SPARTAN comrades, 050 was instead utilised by the Office of Naval Intelligence as a walking propaganda tool. The SPARTAN program had been revealed to the public in 2547, and with the rest of the active SPARTANs constantly deployed throughout the colonies, 050 served as as the visible 'face' of the SPARTANs. This role required 050 to travel constantly to maintain the illusion of numbers. Endless public appearances left 050 demoralised and depressed and desperate to return to some sort of meaningful service, though he was repeatedly rebuffed by his superiors. This only changed in August 2547, during the launching of the supercarrier UNSC Trafalgar, when he threatened to kill the commander of the UNSC 1st Fleet, Fleet Admiral Sir Terrence Hood. After a brief confrontation, 050 received assurances that he would be reassigned from public duties, though only as a result of Hood's personal interference on the SPARTAN's behalf. 050 quickly requested he be allowed to commission as an officer in the elite Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, and, to his surprise, was given permission. This was on condition that he return his Mark IV MJOLNIR powered assault armour, which he readily complied with, and relinquish his SPARTAN number for his then-unknown birth surname, which he agreed to after much soul-searching. Jack Hansen, as he was now, reluctantly known, attended the UNSC Navy's academy on Luna, Sol, for eleven months, and thereafter commissioned as an Ensign. He transferred to the ODSTs to undergo the six-month Drop Commander's Battle Course, one of the toughest rites of passage in the three services, and in March 2550, took over as a platoon commander in A Company, 28th Shock Troops Battalion, subordinate to the 105th Division. Hansen fought during the Fall of Reach as the 2IC of the company, holding the rank of Captain, and was later decorated for exemplary service over a two week period, during which the battalion sustained over 75 percent casualties. Promoted to Major, in part due to the losses the battalion suffered at Reach, Hansen fought with the battalion once more on Earth. On November 3, while fighting in Nairobi, he was killed in action after being struck in the head by a plasma bolt, having left the relative safety of Battalion HQ to observe enemy positions personally.