| - Sita is a mythological character in the hindu epic Ramayana This article about Sita is a . You can help Mythology Wiki by expanding it.
- Sita who only appeared in Celebrating Around The World. She was portrayed by Eisha Rastogi Fremerman.
- Sita is the owner of the Bazaar. She has a pet cockatoo named Daphne, whom Sita claims will sing all night long, and a pet puffer fish named Cousteau. Sita left her home - against the wishes of her parents - to start her own business. Though she still receives letters from her worried parents, Sita is much happier in Paradise Bay. She has shown a romantic interest in Wesley, whom she mentions she has a nice view of.
- Sita is a wolf goddess and the kind daughter of Tor. She was sent down to earth in an attempt to appease the fighting wolves, sacrificing herself in the process. She is referred to in several stories told to cubs.
- Sita was an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper during the Human-Covenant war. She was a former Colonial Military Administration soldier whose allegiance to the UNSC was highly suspect.
- Sita was a princess and the daughter of gods. She fell in love with a prince named Rama and the two of them vowed to be married. That is, until the wicked demon king Ravana stole her away to be his bride. Rama, aided by the monkey god Hanuman, rescued Sita and killed Ravana. Sita and Rama married, but the two of them broke up.
- "my mother tried as hard as she could despite their illicit advance into the park, but soon nothing was left.."-Sita Sita was born to a mysterious female (to which she gives no name) in the ruined Akor Wat Temple Complex. the park she lived in was invaded by trophy hunters, who killed every animal in the park, forcing her to prey on people to survive, a habit to which she became attached.
- Sita ist ein Xerosianer und gehört zu den Rebellen, die die Herrschaft der Moroks auf dem Planeten Xeros beenden wollen. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Außerirdische Kategorie:Widerstandskämpfer
- Sita was a Xeron rebel who fought the Moroks in the Space Museum. Along with Tor and Dako, he captured the First Doctor, and later Vicki Pallister. Along with Vicki, he went to look for Barbara Wright and Dako. After finding them, the Morok commander fatally shot Sita outside the entrance to the museum. (TV: The Space Museum)
- Sita was a citizen of Sanctuary II. Her first and only appearance was in Something in the Water. She was voiced by Erica Luttrell.
- Sita évoque des lettres de sa mère et son père qui sont inquiets pour elle mais elle est plus que ravie de sa nouvelle vie sur l'île. Elle n'est pas insensible au charme de Wesley et a une très jolie vue depuis le Bazar. Vous pourrez la voir avec Wesley autour du Feu de camp si vous débloquez ce décor spécial.
- SITA (originally known as the Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques/Airline Telecommunications and Information Services) was founded in February 1949 by eleven airlines to share infrastructure costs by combining their communications networks. SITA was the first company to handle data traffic in real time via a packet-switched network over common carrier leased lines.
- Sita (Sanskrit: Sītā. Also spelled Sîta, Seeta or Seetha [ˈsiː t̪aː], File:Loudspeaker.svg listen(help·info) meaning furrow), also known as Siya, Vaidehi, Janaki, Maithili, or Bhoomija, is the central female character of the Hindu epic Ramayana and daughter of King Janaka of Videha and his wife queen Sunaina. She was the elder sister of Urmila and cousins Mandavi and Shrutakirti. She is consort of Hindu god Rama (avatar of Vishnu) and is an avatar of Lakshmi (Adi Shakti of Lord Vishnu), goddess of Wealth, Elements, Senses, Fortune and Prosperity and wife of Vishnu. She is esteemed as a paragon of spousal and feminine virtues for all Hindu women. Sita is known for her dedication, self-sacrifice, courage and purity.
- Sita シーター is a third evolution MAG in Phantasy Star Online. A second or third tier MAG can become another third tier form when it is a level divisible by 5 and at least level 50 after feeding, but does not meet the requirements to evolve into any specific fourth tier form. To become a Sita, it must be fed by a force with an even section ID (Viridia, Skyly, Purplenum, Redria, Yellowboze) and have DEF lower than 45 and DEX higher than MIND and MIND at least as high as POW. Only whole POW, DEX and MIND levels count for these comparisons; the 0%–100% progress meters are disregarded.
- Das Asiatische Elefantenkuhkalb Sita lebt im Zoo Osnabrück. Sita wurde am 11.02.2013 gegen 13:20 Uhr im Zoo Prag geboren und ist der erste dort geborene Elefant. Sie ist eine Tochter von Douanita, die 1988 auf dem Weg in den tschechischen Zoo Ústí nad Labem vom niederländischen Zoll beschlagnahmt worden war und in den Diergaarde Blijdorp gebracht wurde, wo sie bis 2012 lebte. Sitas Geburt fand im neuen Elefantenhaus im Beisein ihrer Halbschwester Tonya statt. Weitere Kühe hielten sich in den Nachbarunterkünften auf. Douanita (Donna) war mit ihrer Tochter Tonya im Mai 2012 nach Prag abgegeben worden, nachdem sie anscheinend Konflikte mit der dortigen Leitkuh Irma ausgetragen hatte und daher von dieser zuerst getrennt gehalten wurde. Sie reiste trächtig nach Prag. Sitas Vater Timber, ein Soh