| - Dolim was cold and bloodthirsty, and ruthless in his efforts. While conferring with fellow Council members regarding the deployment of the weapon designed to annihilate Earth, he voiced his intention of hunting down every Human settlement and refugee caravan, in an effort to ensure that no Humans survived the attack. A rumor existed about Dolim, indicating that his daughter gave birth to a son, who was born with a deformity in his right arm. Although non-life-threatening, the deformity was enough to preclude future military service, something which Dolim was unwilling to abide. In response, Dolim had his own grandson poisoned. (ENT: "Azati Prime", "The Council") Dolim's attitude towards the other Xindi species could often be one of arrogance and superiority. He often commented on "humanoid arrogance," and personally selected the Reptilian soldier from his own regiment who piloted the initial probe to attack Earth, claiming the soldier's name would go down in history as "a testament to the superiority of the cold-blooded." (ENT: "Proving Ground", "Azati Prime") Dolim was also an extremely religious man. In 2154, when one of his lieutenants seemingly questioned the motives of one of the Guardians, transdimensional beings whom the Xindi regarded as gods, Dolim threatened to kill his lieutenant, stating, "if you ever question the Guardians again, your skin will adorn the bow of this ship." (ENT: "The Council")