| - The Dinka Thrust is a sport touring motorcycle featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the High Life Update.
- Thrust – motocykl występujący Grand Theft Auto V. Jest wzorowany na Hondzie CTX700 i produkowany przez Dinkę. Motor posiada dobre przyśpieszenie oraz słabe hamulce. Dobrze się prowadzi, jednak źle wchodzi w zakręty. Nie posiada prędkości maksymalnej.
- [[Archivo:Thrust.JPG|right|thumb|185px|La revista Thrust en 1992, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.]]thumb|left|252px|Otra Vista De La Revista Thrust es una revista de autos que aparece en varios pisos francos que Carl Johnson puede comprar en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. En la portada, se puede ver un Bullet beta, y detrás se puede ver un Turismo blanco. También aparece el número 69, que aparece en varias ocasiones en este juego, este número se lo incluye en la siguiente frase: "69 Formas de llegar a su punto culminante de conducción". La edición de la revista es la del mes de julio de 1991.
- Thrust was one of Zeta's goons. He fired a missile at Blackout, and was blown up by Ynot in retaliation.
- He rattles the very air with the sound of his jets ... believes half the battle is won if opponents are "psyched out" by his mere arrival, so makes no attempt to be sneaky. Pompous, loud-mouthed braggart, but not too brave. Sudden, powerful accelerations can shake apart nearby buildings. Flies at Mach 2.5, can double speed in 20 seconds for up to 2 minutes. Carries four air-to-air missiles and 2 automatic missile launchers.
- thumb|Magazyn THRUST, numer z lipca 1991 THRUST – magazyn motoryzacyjny, którego co najmniej dwa egzemplarze leżą na komodzie, w domu Johnsonów, w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Na okładce widnieje Turismo oraz Bullet, z wersji beta gry (inne kołpaki, takie same, jak u Infernusa w GTA: VC).
- Thrust is a reaction force described quantitatively by Newton's Second and Third Law. When a system expels or accelerates mass in one direction the accelerated mass will cause a proportional but opposite force on that system. Mathematically this means that the total force experienced by a system accelerating a mass m, is equal and opposite to the mass m times the acceleration a experienced by that mass: F = −m·a
- Thrust is a reaction force described quantitatively by Newton's second and third laws. When a system expels or accelerates mass in one direction the accelerated mass will cause a proportional but opposite force on that system.
- Rattling the very air with the roar of his jet engines, Thrust is one Decepticon who cares little for stealth. He believes that half the battle is won if he can "psych out" his enemy by his mere arrival, and so he makes no attempt to be sneaky. His ability to suddenly and powerfully accelerate can literally shake apart a nearby building, and he delights in the havoc that ensues. He is a loud-mouthed braggart who is prone to pompously claim certain victory before a fight has barely begun. But in truth, his courage is as much bluster and noise as his actions and words: a strong counterattack by an opponent usually results in a view of Thrust's tailwings as he recedes into the distance.
- Rattling the very air with the roar of his jet engines, Thrust is one Decepticon who cares little for the ways of deceit. He believes that half the battle is won if he can "psych out" his enemy by his mere arrival, and so he makes no attempt to be sneaky. His ability to suddenly and powerfully accelerate can literally shake apart a nearby building, and he delights in the havoc that ensues. He is a loud-mouthed braggart who is prone to pompously claim certain victory before a fight has barely begun. But in truth, his courage is as much bluster and noise as his actions and words: a strong counterattack by an opponent usually results in a view of Thrust's tailwings as he recedes into the distance.