| - El número (916) es el número natural que sigue al 915 y precede al 917. Categoría:Números
- Katja muss im Bad mit anhören, wie Ben und Isabelle fast Sex haben. Als Annette ihre aufgelöste Schwester findet, ist sie empört über Bens unsensibles Verhalten und schlägt Katja vor, mit Ben zu sprechen. Doch Katja bittet Annette, sich zurückzuhalten: Ben soll nichts von ihren Gefühlen für sie erfahren. Annette kann ihr Versprechen aber nicht lange einhalten. Axel hat Simone und Richard in der Hand und fordert die Mehrheit der Zentrumsanteile. Während Richard nicht kampflos aufgeben will, sieht Simone keine andere Möglichkeit, als auf Axels Forderung einzugehen. Zu groß ist ihre Angst, wieder ins Gefängnis zu gehen. Als sie schließlich auf seine Forderungen eingehen, genießt Axel seinen Triumph. Celine und Richard beziehen das Penthouse. Doch der erste Abend verläuft, aufgrund Richards sc
- In the drawing room at Collinwood, Julia explains to Elizabeth her belief that Michael, Alexander, and Joseph are one in the same. Julia informs Elizabeth she is going to start investigating the activities at the antique shop. She asks to see Paul, but Elizabeth tells her that the family doctor is with him and he is under heavy sedation. Elizabeth is very skeptical of Julia's plans, and tells her she had better be very careful.
| - In the drawing room at Collinwood, Julia explains to Elizabeth her belief that Michael, Alexander, and Joseph are one in the same. Julia informs Elizabeth she is going to start investigating the activities at the antique shop. She asks to see Paul, but Elizabeth tells her that the family doctor is with him and he is under heavy sedation. Elizabeth is very skeptical of Julia's plans, and tells her she had better be very careful. Later at Collinwood, Chris comes to visit Julia. Julia tells him that she has come into contact with Tate, but he is mad and for some reason still appears as he did in 1897. Chris wants to go to his house immediately so he can paint his portrait, since there will be a full moon tonight, but Julia says it is too short of notice to get everything prepared, and he will have to go through another transformation. However, Julia says she will plan to meet with Grant at dusk to see if he transforms, which will prove if Tate was right when he said Quentin's portrait was destroyed. Elizabeth is at the Old House speaking to Barnabas about what Julia has told her. Barnabas says the only plan of action is that Julia "must become one of us." Elizabeth agrees, but then asks Barnabas what the true goal of the Leviathans is, and what Paul has to do with it. Barnabas only says that she will know when the time comes, but they will be "bestowing someone a great honor." Barnabas goes to visit Julia at Collinwood. He asks her what her plans are for Chris, since a full moon is looming. Julia scolds him for trying to pretend to be interested in Chris, but eventually tells him Chris is at Windcliff for the night. She attempts to get rid of Barnabas, but he attempts to put her in a trance where he tells her she needs more rest, since she has been working very hard lately. He moves his hand over her face, and leaves the room. Once he is gone, Julia goes upstairs to her room to rest. Grant is at Olivia's suite, heavily intoxicated. Olivia walks in, and wonders why Grant is in the condition that he is. He finally admits that he feels different about his problem today compared to previous days, and he isn't sure why. Olivia tries to get him to go sleep, but Grant yells at her before he leaves, saying she wants to help herself, and not him. That night, Julia has a dream where Barnabas, in her conscious, tells her it's time for her to join the Leviathans. He appears to her in the drawing room at Collinwood, and beckons her to open the Leviathan Box. She manages to refrain from opening it, and runs off. Barnabas tells her it's too late, and the next time she sees the box, she will have no choice but to open it. The next day, Barnabas informs Elizabeth that Julia has had her dream, and the only remaining step for Julia to join the Leviathans is to open the Leviathan Box. He instructs Elizabeth to remain with Julia until she opens it. Moments later, Julia enters the drawing room. Elizabeth attempts to get Julia to open the box, but her plan fails when Chris shows up. She tells Elizabeth there is something she has to do, and abruptly leaves. Barnabas re-enters the room, looking very concerned. He tells Elizabeth the knock on the door shouldn't have broken the spell, and he believes Julia might be immune to the Leviathans. Barnabas tells Elizabeth she will have to find another way to deal with Julia. Julia heads to Olivia's suite with the portrait of Amanda Harris. She tells Olivia she knows she had her painting x-rayed because she is searching for Quentin's portrait. Olivia denies this, but Julia doesn't believe her. Julia asks to see Grant, but Olivia says that something has been bothering him today, and he drank quite a bit to forget about it. Julia thinks it's the perfect time to see him. Upon entering his room, however, Julia and Olivia discover it has been ransacked.
- El número (916) es el número natural que sigue al 915 y precede al 917. Categoría:Números
- Katja muss im Bad mit anhören, wie Ben und Isabelle fast Sex haben. Als Annette ihre aufgelöste Schwester findet, ist sie empört über Bens unsensibles Verhalten und schlägt Katja vor, mit Ben zu sprechen. Doch Katja bittet Annette, sich zurückzuhalten: Ben soll nichts von ihren Gefühlen für sie erfahren. Annette kann ihr Versprechen aber nicht lange einhalten. Axel hat Simone und Richard in der Hand und fordert die Mehrheit der Zentrumsanteile. Während Richard nicht kampflos aufgeben will, sieht Simone keine andere Möglichkeit, als auf Axels Forderung einzugehen. Zu groß ist ihre Angst, wieder ins Gefängnis zu gehen. Als sie schließlich auf seine Forderungen eingehen, genießt Axel seinen Triumph. Celine und Richard beziehen das Penthouse. Doch der erste Abend verläuft, aufgrund Richards schlechter Laune, zu Celines großer Enttäuschung nicht wie geplant. Und dann muss sie auch noch mit anhören, dass ihre Tochter nach wie vor ihre Beziehung zu Richard ablehnt.