| - First Nomination for Chat Moderationship Haidro (talk) 05:58, March 13, 2012 (UTC) Hello, I am nominating myself for Chat Moderator rights as I reckon the community has trusted me and that I have a use with the rights. I feel that my last RfCM two months ago didn't include much evidence about me having a use with the tools, so that's why I'm self-nominating myself today. The first point I would like to point out on why I have a benefit with the tools is that I am sometimes on when no chat mods are present. This is mainly at around 6:00PM my time when most people are not on. 2 Chat Mods that are mostly active at that time are Matt and Sentra. Although two you might think is enough, it might not be. What if one is away, or what if both are? Here are some evidence (logs) of few Chat Mods present: My second point is that I have dealt with trouble and helped people within chat which is one key point of failure on my last request. I also have some chat logs here which prove this: Also, a third piece of evidence featured at RuneScape:Chat/Logs/9_March_2012 at [11:39] to [11:49] (It's near the bottom, not the 11:39-49 at the top) shows an incident in which someone was join/quit spamming for 15 minutes straight. All the Chat Mods online were away (there were quite a number of some in chat too) and the user kept on spamming. I tried to contact 2 Chat Mods on RuneScape yet both had taken a while to get the message. I would be good as a chat mod as in this incident the problem would have been dealt quicker and easier. Thanks, Haidro (talk) 05:57, March 13, 2012 (UTC) I, Hydro1, accept this nomination for chat moderator. I have read the policies concerning chat moderators. I realise that this nomination may fail. If I do get community consensus, I promise not to abuse my tools because I realise that this is a serious offence. If the community finds that I have done so, my tools will be revoked, and in extreme cases I could be given a community ban. Signed,Haidro (talk) 05:57, March 13, 2012 (UTC)