| - A clone is an individual created as a direct copy of another, rather like in identical twins, but with a significant age separation between the original and the clone. While uterine replicators were generally useful in performing cloning, the use of replicators was much broader. In the Vorkosigan Saga, cloning was easily done, but often was considered immoral.
- A Clone is a copy of a person that is grown rather than born. Clones have been a major influence with the Star Wars universe, and in the series of Dune, clones are called Gholas.
- A clone is an exact genetic copy of a human or animal. Clones could be created artificially using human technology from the future.
- Clone (分身, ブンシン, ぶんしん, Bunshin) is a technique performed by Jette.
- The culprit behind Commander Shepard's identity theft is a rogue Cerberus-made clone of the Commander. The real Shepard's team confronts the clone for the last time in the hangar bay of the Normandy SR-2; three people against the fake Shepard, Brooks, and their army of CAT6 mercenaries. The clone plummets from Normandy to their death across all outcomes of the battle.
- Clone é uma magia que cria um clone sem vida de uma criatura. Se ela morrer, sua alma é transportada para o clone.
- Clone is published by Image Comics. Current price per issue is $2.99.
- [[Category:]] Clone was a necromancy spell that created a clone of a creature.
- Clone is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
- I personaggi clone sono dei personaggi che hanno caratteristiche simili ad altri e sono presenti in Melee e Brawl, nel quale le differenze sono aumentate.
- A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living being. Human cloning technology has long been sought after by LuthorCorp, resulting in several troubled cloning projects. These efforts culminated in Project Gemini, which successfully cloned the long dead Julian Luthor as Grant Gabriel. Kryptonian clones have also existed, most of them created by cloning technology that the Kryptonians possessed.
- A clone, in its widely-respected terminology, means a genetic copy of an organism. In the Disney usage, it refers to attractions that are recreated at multiple theme parks, usually with some variations between the different versions. An example of a near-exact clone would be the clone of Disneyland Paris' Orbitron, Machines Volantes to Disneyland's Astro Orbitor.
- Clone is an enemy within Breath of Fire III.
- The action of duplicating a hive in its entirety. E.g., using the swarm command line tool: $ swarm clone /path/to/source/hive /path/to/destination/hive
- Esperti clonatori erano i Kaminoiani: la maggior parte delle loro strutture di clonazione si trovavano nella capitale, Tipoca City. Furono loro a realizzare l'armata di cloni soldato per la Repubblica Galattica, usando come matricola originale il cacciatore di taglie mandaloriano Jango Fett.
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- The Sontarans were a clone race, making each Sontaran almost identical to the other. (TV: The Invasion of Time, The Sontaran Stratagem) Clones of Gallifrey were created during the the War against the Enemy and came to be known as Nine Gallifreys. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) On Moldox, during the Last Great Time War, the Daleks were cloning Kaled mutants for their new paradigm of Temporal Weapon Daleks armed with Temporal Cannons. (PROSE: Engines of War)
- It is unknown whether this was intended as an ability for player characters, or just implied that some NPCs may be clones. Their presence was confirmed within proceedings during the Bethesda v. Interplay court case.
- Clones an object and all children, returns the cloned object. Example: c = game.Workspace.Part:Clone() c.Name = "Cloned Part" c.Parent = game.Workspace—Clones a BasePart called "Part" and makes the cloned part's name "Cloned Part". The cloned part then gets moved to the Workspace.
- see: clones
- A clone is a piece of software or hardware mostly identical to another. The best way to determine whether something is a clone, it to check and see if the original product was licensed to the manufacturer, producer and/or developer of the item in question. For example, the Bell & Howell II is a licensed copy of the Apple II, however the VTech Laser 128 is unlicensed. There are three types of clones:
- Clone characters are characters present in a multitude of video games. Basically, they look different from one another, though have an identical or nearly identical moveset. Usually these characters are only referred to as clone characters in fighting video games, such as in the Super Smash Bros. series. The only clones in the original Super Smash Bros. are Mario and Luigi.
- Sometimes, the clone's creator modifies the clone to give it enhanced abilities. The Dominion, Romulans, the M'Tar and humans have all, at one time or another, used cloning technology. Cloning was also used frequently in medical procedures, to replace lost limbs, or regrow failing organs. This did not require the creation of a new being.
- A clone character is a common inclusion in the Super Smash Bros. series, and many other fighting games as well. It describes two or more characters that have nearly identical movesets with slight variations in the attack properties and/or character stats. From the developer's perspective, a given character's model can be used as a base template from which to build another, and it is usually evident which one is the "original" and which is the clone. Most clones are from the same series of games, with Ganondorf being the only clone of a character who is not in his franchise.
- The only thing "difficult" about gaining the Clone pet is the fact that it is a Guardian's Only pet. Aside from that, it's as simple as walking into the Guardian Tower, talking to Nimrod, and purchasing it.
- Clone is the 188th level in Chip's Challenge 2. It was created by Joshua Bone.
- A Clone is a described by many as an exact genetic duplicate of one of many people. The technology was first utilized by the Kaminoans on the planet Kamino before the start of the Clone Wars.
- "Clone" is part of the Solids group, and when touched by another element will make an infinite amount of that element. Example: If someone makes a dot of Clone and the sprinkles Water on top of it, it will rain water infinitly until the Dot Count runs out.
- Clone is a Level Three Quantum power that allows a nova to create duplicates him or herself.
- Clones are mindless humanoid creatures formed from giant fungi. In appearance they are short, blank-eyed and bald with pale-skin. These vacant creatures are created to harvest fungi for the Demon Princes, and come in two varieties - Workers and Warriors. The two types are very much identical to each other, with the only point of distinction being the larger stature of the Warriors, who are also armed with weapons and dressed in Leather Armour.
- Clone is 2014 American science fiction horror film directed by Vincenzo Natali. This films stars
- A Clone is the genetic replica of a human being, who posses all the abilities of the person they were cloned from, though the extent of which is not always the same, also the clone will not always posses the same mind, beliefs, or personality of the original. The concept of cloning has been touched upon multiple times throughout the Gundam Universe, with a variety of clones of characters having been spawned.
- A clone was a genetically identical duplicate of a living person or creature, DUH!. Clones could be produced in a wide variety of ways, including natural birth and vat-growing in fucking huge facilities that could crank out the clones by the millions. Kaminoans were famous for their skill at producing clones, particularly the three million seven trillion, five hundred billion clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Even Jedi or Sith could be cloned.
- The ways this spell can be abused are manifold. The Clone-spell creates a copy of a living being which will fight alongside the original, until it is slain. This copy possesses none of the intelligence of the original and basically is just a drone. In combination with the Animate spell, the caster has a potent spell at hand, since they can animate an object, then clone it, then kill it to have two of the object! The spell is not liked by many mages however, since there are disputes over if it is really virtuous to create life just to use as cannon fodder.
- Level: Components: V, S, M, F Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 0 ft. Effect: One clone Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
- In biology, a clone is an organism or cell that is genetically identical to that of a parent from which it was created. The term clone is derived from the Ancient Greek word κλών klōn, "twig," referring to the process whereby a new plant can be created from a twig.
- A Clone is a copy of another animal or plant. They are generally made using science to reproduce yourself by using your own DNA to create a replica of yourself.
- A common feature in the Street Fighter games, a character "Clone" describes two characters with near exact movesets and special attacks. From the developer's perspective, a given character's model can be used as a base template from which to build another, and it is usually evident which one is the original and which is the clone. Semi-clones are characters that share some moves of another, while still having some variation in terms of moveset or special attacks. "Semi-clone" status is usually more debatable than regular clones.
- An early, secret Human cloning project was conducted by Professor Eugene Eckhart of Illinois State University, with the help of United States Army General Cory, in order to create a new army of perfect soldiers to fight the Vietnam War. This project was halted by Gary Seven, who noted that the professor's knowledge of the human genome was far beyond that of Earth of 1970. (TOS - Star Trek: Assignment: Earth comic: "My Name Is Legion") This information was later determined to have been provided by Counter Strike. (TOS - Star Trek: Assignment: Earth comic: "We Have Met the Enemy...")
- A clone is an exact genetic copy of another creature (living or dead). Identical twins are clones (albeit naturally occurring). Cloning a person/creature does not allow for memories or personalities to be replicated as these are based on experiences amassed by a single creature; however personality traits are genetic so clones may have similar personalities if their experiences are similar.The cloning version of the alien human hybrids where DNA of a human and DNA of an alien
- Maximus used DNA from Atomic Betty to create a trio of duplicates, (Clone Betty 1, Clone Betty 2, Clone Betty 3). He also used the DNA of three other people, Optica the Fire Witch, Destructa the Rock Princess and Roxanne the Rubber Woman, to give the clones superpowers, he also named the clones after those three women. ("The Trouble with Triplets") Queen Penelobee was a hybrid clone of Penelope, created from a mix of alien bee and human DNA. Robo-Betty is a robotic clone of Betty created by Sparky, who had assembled it from a mail-in kit. ("Robo-Betty")
- Chek clones ejercito nombres midnight operations jay axe bel giz flak laff blackout bly chek aiwha boil buzz broadside cameron chopper cody colt Dred priest b arin apma Mij gilamar rav balor ct-327 ct-1477 kosmos Cutup cad bane draa droidebait echo fives edge fil fly Goji gree gus hardcase Havoc Hawk Hawkeye Hevy knuckes faie gett jag jec jesse jester jet keeli chatter lider verde Kickback kix lucky Matchstick Niner Mixer Monn O-Niner Argyus Punch Ponds Inc Bost Razor Redeye Flash Rex Rys Comet Scythe Skyner Cincos Sketch Galle Slick Spark Stak Kano Stone Trauma Dikut Gregor Mort Tyto ct-1565 zag trepador corr boss karo comic srge ct-4/163 Green wizard fase al tup thire trap trapper tucker warthog
- The technology related to cloning was linked to the discovery of the Flower of Life on Optera by the Tirolian scientist Zor. His communion with the Regess led him to uncover the secret of the planet and develop a powerful energy source known as Protoculture. This new science of Robotechnology fuelled the ambitions of the power hungry senators on Tirol who eventually declared themselves the Robotech Masters. When Zor genetically engineered Pollinators to complete the life cycle of the Flower of Life, Nimuul and his kin tasked him with creating newly formed beings. Thus, the art of cloning was introduced into Tirolian society with armies being used as enforcers and others grown to be servants to the powerful elite Masters. Eventually, this science was used to breed an entirely new race of gi
- Clones are most often physically identical to the being from which they were originally created however this may not always be the case because clones are generally created to serve in roles that others do not wish to perform. These roles may include anything from manual labor to warfare as was the case with for the clones created for the Grand Army of the Republic. Due to these considerations, clones are often genetically modified to make them more efficient in their assigned duties.
- Les Clones sont des individus créés par le Dr. FunFrock à partir des habitants de la planète Twinsun. Ils peuvent donc avoir la forme:
* de Grobos : Groboclone
* de Bouboules : Bouboule-Clones
* de Lapichons : Lapichon-Clones
* et probablement de Quetchs : Soldats
- An OGame clone is a game that shares similarities with OGame (either in terms of gameplay, aestethic, or even as a general game idea). It is most often made by other publishers, unrelated to Gameforge. These games are hosted on private servers, where you can also find Clone builders, where all the other clones are based from, like 2Moons, XOrbit or Galaxy of Masters. The package is distributed free. It is OpenSource and is based on PHP and MySQL or .NET and MYSQL. A list of OGame clones can be found at gametoor.com
- Clone is a supporting character appearing in Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky. Clone is the manager of the apple orchard. Her exact age is unknown, but she was manufactured about 930 years ago by alchemists. She has lived in Corseit for a very long time, and she has become somewhat of the one you turn to for an opinion in town. She has known many citizens of the town since they were born, and seeing the faces of the new children born in the town is what she enjoys the most.
- 8th-level necromancy Casting Time: 1 hour Range: Touch Components: V, S, M(a diamond worth at least 1,000 GP and at least I cubic inch of flesh of the creature that is to be cloned, which the spell consumes, and a vessel worth at least 2,000 GP that has a sealable lid and is large enough to hold a Medium creature, such as a huge urn, coffin, mud-filled cyst in the ground, or crystal container filled with salt water) Duration: Instantaneous This spell grows an inert duplicate of a living creature as a safeguard against death. This clone forms inside remains undisturbed.
- There were also natural ways to create a clone. The Lyssarian Desert Larvae for example, when injected with DNA from another organism, was transformed into a mimetic simbiot which was identical to the original donor and also carried his memories. In 2153, Charles Tucker III had one such clone, Sim. (ENT: "Similitude") The Kobliad Security officer Ty Kajada ruled out the possibility that Rao Vantika was a clone after she studied the DNA reference scan analysis. (DS9: "The Passenger")
- Clone is an 18th-level ritual introduced in The Last Slave Lord under the 4th edition conversion notes. You grow a duplicate body of a living creature inside a specially prepared crystal vessel filled with an alchemical solution. The ritual’s performance takes 1 hour. After you complete the performance, the bit of flesh begins to grow. After 2d4 months, the flesh finishes growing into a perfect copy of the original creature. The clone remains in a state of suspended animation until the original creature dies or until the clone is removed from the vessel.
- Cloning is a process originally invented by Oprah Winfrey on Kamino. It involves the quantum vivisection of the human soul (Winfrey generally used the rich, funky soul of the late Senator Strom Thurmond) to create humanoid replicants. These automatons look, think and act like normal human beings, but have no soul and no capacity for human feeling. I fuck cows With her evil clone army, Oprah Winfrey was able to infiltrate virtually any organization, her clones posing as whoever she wishes.
- Casting Time: 1 Hour Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 1000 GP and at least 1 cubic inch of flesh of the creature that is to be cloned, which the spell consumes. A vessel worth at least 2000 GP that has a sealable lid and is large enough to hold a Medium creature, such as a huge urn, coffin, mud-filled cyst in the ground, or crystal container filled with salt water) Duration: Instantaneous