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- Like all of the townie plumbots, she doesn't have a trait chip. She has mastered in Advanced Technology.
- May paralyze target.
- A Indian superhero.
- Spark is the first episode of Garo: Makai Senki. It features the debut appearances of the Makai High Priestess, Grace, Reo Fudou and the Man in the Red Mask.
- Sparks first appear in Donkey Kong Jr.. They are generated by Mario to stop Donkey Kong Jr. from saving has father. Sparks are only in Stage 3. Yellow sparks travel on platforms while blue sparks travel to platforms to wires.
- Spark is an illegal fruit. The reasons for it being illegal is that it can give the eater a relaxation feeling, but destroying the brain cells at the same time. However, it only starts destroying the brain cells after the person is addicted to spark. The juice of spark is also very similar to beers. Spark was discovered 95,000 years before the Mask of Ignika Saga.
- Le Spark (スパーク Supāku) est un ennemi récurrent dans la saga The Legend of Zelda. left|Un Spark dans Link's AwakeningIls apparaissent généralement comme une boule clignotante qui s'accroche à des groupes de pots ou des blocs, et qui longent les murs, sans s'arrêter. Leur première apparition se fait dans A Link to the Past.
- Sparks are a type of electric or arcane elemental creature that appears in certain places where magic is prevalent. They tend to have a specific purpose, such as healing or buffing a boss, exploding, or summoning adds. It is unknown if they are sentient or just an advanced form of spell that is cast by powerful arcane beings. Sparks should not be confused with wisps, which are ethereal nature spirits that have a superficial resemblance to sparks.
- Conception Summary Reception
- Spark was a Starfleet officer serving as an instructor at Starfleet Academy in 2286. Holding the rank of lieutenant commander, Spark gave lectures on Federation law, specifically on topics dealing with planetary sovereignty, extradition, and political asylum, a topic of particular interest at the time in the aftermath of the Genesis Affair. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update.)
- Master of Derp.
- Spark's last name, Etincelle, means "Spark", as a reference to her codename and technological powers.
- When Set, it increases base HP by 11 and base PP by 6. When Spark's battle effect is used, a targeted downed party member has a 60% chance to be revived with his or her HP restored to 60% of his or her maximum HP meter. It is just like the Venus Djinni Quartz from the first game, but with 10% more success rate and 10% more healing involved.
- Sells faction rewards for Flammenorden
- Spark is a thief with electromagnetic powers.
- benvenuti i spark consulting
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Spark Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Spark is an Electric-type move introduced in Generation II.
- Spark is a program created by IPeng that allows you to make art on a lab top.
- |} Sells faction rewards for Order of Flame
- Spark es un enemigo cuya primera aparición es en Donkey Kong. Jr. Estos enemigos son esferas con 2 ojos y cubiertos por una luz electrica, ellos también aparecen en varios juegos empezando por Super Mario. 2 y en las sagas de Mario vs Donkey Kong, suelen semejarse a un Amperio. Categoría:Enemigos Categoría:Sub-especies Categoría:Enemigos de Mario Categoría:Enemigos de Super Mario Bros. 2 Categoría:Super Mario Bros. 2 Categoría:Personajes
- The Spark is a ball of electricity that moves about the walls of a room or around platforms. Making any contact with a Spark is dangerous. Throwing something at them is one way a Spark can be beaten.
- Spark is an artist for Sonic the Comic Online. To date, their only contribution was a pin-up for Sonic the Poster Mag 2006.
- thumb|200px|right|Sparks Sparks sind die Lebenskraft der Transformers, quasi ihre Seele, die ihren robotischen Körper Leben einhaucht. Alle Transformer, Maximals, Predacons, Autobots und Decepticons, besitzen einen Spark.
- Sparks (played by Lachy Hulme) is the operator and general-purpose crewmember of the Logos in the film The Matrix Revolutions and the video game Enter The Matrix. As seen in Enter the Matrix, Sparks serves as the Operator on the Logos alongside his captain and the ship's pilot, Niobe, and weapons expert and first mate Ghost. His sarcastic and irreverent demeanor serve to alleviate the sometimes tense situations aboard the Logos. Sparks is known for saying "And since your lives obviously mean nothing to you, I ask you to try to think of something that does have meaning. Namely, my life".
- Ted, a cowboy, is granted superhuman powers by scientist Dr. Morgan's "Astro-Pyro Rays." Ted uses his new abilities to become the superhero Captain Red Blazer. Shortly after, he gets a side-kick, Spark, who eventually gains similar powers. Captain Red Blazer and Sparkie are able to fly and generate/control heat and flames. The heroes teamed-up with the boy gang known as the Boy Heroes on several occasions.
- Los Sparks son enemigos recurrentes en la Saga Zelda. Son bolas de colores brillantes que se mueven alrededor del piso, Antorchas, Jarrones, y bloques en los que pueden moverse en una ruta fija. En algunos juegos son vulnerables a ciertas armas, y en otros no se les puede destruir; en cualquier caso, siempre causarán daño si se les toca. En los juegos en los que se les puede destruir, siempre reaparecerán al volver al área donde estaban. La mayoría de las veces dejan Hadas como recompensa.
- Remains of the actual story here. Due to my laziness, I never actually finished this story. So here's a summary.
- Spark является одним из простейших 2.1 демонов. Некоторые игроки оценивают его даже на 9 32px|link=Звёзды, но это не единственное, что сделало его популярным. Уровень очень хорошо выполнен в плане декора в базовом стиле. Украшений не очень много, но в целом демон смотрится симпатично. Благодаря этому он попал в зал славы и получил отметку "Эпик".
- Spark is a Electric/Fire Pokémon created by Honeetah for Pokémon Destiny and Fate. It evolves into Pyrolectric through level up with a Flaming Wrench.
- Exposed to the surface radiation from the nuclear bombs of the Great War, the nucleosolv activated, and almost worked as it did in clinical trials. It did indeed break down the medical, chemical and nuclear waste as intended, but instead of turning the waste into water, it turned it into crystals. Those crystals can be chipped at, producing the smaller grains that the chem is recognized as. The NCR, like other chems, has banned the use of spark.
- Spark (Japonais : ス パ ー キ ー, soit Supākī) est une espèce de créature lumineuse ronde avec de grands yeux et des pupilles noires qui émet des ondes électriques. C'est un ennemi apparu pour la première fois dans Donkey Kong Jr en 1982. On le voit roder sur les murs et les plates-formes en tournant en permanence autour de ceux-ci.
- Spark are a bouncer that bounce on all direction. [[Category:Column materials]][[Category:Row materials]]
- [Source] In Vergen, on Rhundurin Square there is also an elven merchant called Spark who sells food items. She is the only Vergen merchant available to Geralt if he chooses Roche's path. She is named after one of the Rats, Iskra, a gang that Ciri joins while she is on the run.
- File:Spark CA.gif wwWrite the text of your article here!
- Spark is an archetype of cards (mainly spells) in the Light Civilization.
- Spark is a minor magic spell (or charm or frippery). This causes a tiny, shocking electric spark to jump from the caster's forefinger for a few centimetres.
- Spark may refer to:
* A low level electric spell in Breath of Fire known as Spark
* A low level fire spell in Breath of Fire II known as Spark
- An attack imbued with electricity. Deals light mystic damage to an enemy unit.
- Spark is—or was—a brash young vampire who frequented the Raven. In A More Permanent Hell, when it was believed that an asteroid was on course for a collision with Earth that would exterminate all human life on the planet, Spark was one of the vampires emboldened to disregard the code of secrecy and hunt more openly for human prey. At one point, Nick Knight interrupted him, and rescued his victim.
- Sparks are recurring enemies in the Legend of Zelda series. They are brightly colored balls of flashing energy that usually cling to floors, torches, pots, blocks, and other permanent structures, around which they trace a revolving path. In some games, they are vulnerable to certain attacks; in others, they cannot be damaged. However, they can always cause harm to Link if touched. In the games in which Sparks can be killed, they will always respawn as soon as Link leaves and reenters the room. Sparks drop fairies when defeated in some games.
- Spark är en manlig Wraith och han är en del av Guides besättning. Under första Wraith-Asuraner kriget en tungt skadad Wraith Wraith Hive skepp knappt undgår förstörelse av en Asuraner kryssare Guide, Hives befälhavare för de Dart vingar, återvänder ombord från sin Dart och enkäter förlusterna och skadorna tillsammans med skeppets ledande clevermen. Spark, pallax till drottning Snow. Hive skeppet kommer att överleva, men skeppet och besättningen har inte råd många fler sådana nära samtal. De gamla är borta från galaxen, men deras skapelser, Asuranerna, obarmhärtiga, obevekliga nanotekniska konstruktioner drivs av De gamla kärn kommando för att bekämpa Wraith till utrotning och utrustade med kopior av De gamla egna enastående teknologi.
- Those born with the spark are people who not only have the ability to channel with experienced guidance but will inevitably begin to channel with or without training. Three out of four women with the spark do not survive this learning process on their own. Most who do not receive formal training (called wilders by Aes Sedai) either die or achieve a rudimentary control, often accompanied by unconscious blocks preventing them from hurting themselves by drawing too much and burning themselves out. In much of the Westlands, a family will readily send a daughter to the White Tower if she shows signs of channeling. This holds true even among those who dislike the Aes Sedai, such as in Tear and Amadicia.
- A spark provides an infinitely-parallel, and therefore trans-Turing, hardware substrate, on which an infinite-hash neural net is usually implemented. However, it can't store information in a structured, lasting fashion; thus, it requires external memory to form a "proper" intelligence. All else being equal, a disembodied spark can think about things(information that's structured but transient) and develop a personality(information that's lasting but vague), but has no analogue to our short-term and long-term memory. Since a spark-bot body also provides the external hardware needed to interact with the physical world in many other ways, it almost always contains a set of memory cores for the spark.
- Plasma and Spark are sometimes seen as interchangeable, as Spark had later begun exhibiting properties previously seen only in Plasma. In the anime series, Spark Kirby uses long distance attacks like Plasma's energy blasts. In Kirby: Squeak Squad, the upgraded Spark allows Kirby to charge up and fire a long-range attack. Spark is considered to be Plasma's answer to more defensive abilities like Needle or Freeze. Their own ability caps also had very similar designs, implying a larger connection. In Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Plasma's moves from Kirby Super Star were fully integrated into Spark, effectively merging the two abilities.
- A yellow spark is shown on the monster/player that you've attacked when the armor absorbs the damage done from a hit. Hits that cause a spark do not count towards your shielding skill. When a monster is immune to certain damage types (physical or magical), it also produces sparks. Sparks show also during skinning with Obsidian Knife. Green spark means successful skinning and yellow one on unsuccessful try. Green spark show when player got banned, or if someone heal using Heal Friend
- Spark (スパーク) is a Release Type magic that forces out electrons from a substance and causes an electric discharge phenomenon. The magic target is usually the air molecules within a narrow range from the substance. Although ionization of this nature is a relatively common phenomenon, it requires a very high interference power because the magic affects the substance structure altering it.
- A yellow spark is shown on the monster/player that you've attacked when the armor absorbs the damage done from a hit. Hits that cause a spark do not count towards your shielding skill. When a monster is immune to certain damage types (physical or magical), it also produces sparks. Sparks show also during skinning with Obsidian Knife. Green spark means successful skinning and yellow one on unsuccessful try.
- Spark is the son of murdered Trinsic blacksmith Christopher in Ultima VII, and is a potential party member in the game. He is undoubtedly one of the youngest companions to accompany the Avatar, claiming to be fourteen years of age when the Avatar first met him. At the time of Ultima VII, Spark was an orphan, his unnamed mother having died shortly after his birth. What happened to Spark after the events of Ultima VII was unclear, as little mention was made of him in later games.
- To quote the Professors Foglio, the Spark is "whatever it is that makes Mad Scientists what they are. A poorly understood concept that identifies and incorporates a batch of personality traits shared by those who have it." They are "people who seem to have the ability to tinker with the laws of physics as we know them. They are brilliant, focused, and often impatient with those whose thoughts don't run with the speed or in the direction of their own. Because of this, some of those thoughts have veered off in truly alarming directions. This makes them dangerous and shortsighted...".